𝚍𝚘𝚒𝚗' 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 ⇢ 𝟶𝟸𝟶

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September 10th ┆03:57 pm

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September 10th ┆03:57 pm

"Do all of the places you know have some kind of crappy name to go with it?"

  Glancing at Anais, Carl gave a simple shrug of his shoulders in return─ attention briefly settling down on Ash as he happily gave a wag of his tail, "Pretty much, yeah."

Looking back up at the fences, the two began the short walk to the entrance. Before Anais could even approach, a female's voice could be heard from above.

   "Hey! Hands up, kid."

Tilting her head up to view the female, Anais could only make out the silhouette of her figure through her squinted eyes.

    As instructed, the brunette raised her arms─ revealing her bandage covered palms to the older maiden, "Uh, hi there."

   "Daryl! Do your thing!"

Before Anais could spin around to face the male who slyly snuck up behind her, the grip of his gun meets the back of her head─ hard enough to knock her out into oblivion.

September 10th ┆05:34 pm


An intense pain swells over the brunette's head as her lids squint open against the glaring sunlight creeping in to the poorly lit room.

"Hey!" Before Anais could even attempt to open her eyes that bit wider, the toe of another's boot makes contact with her gut.

Rolling over onto her back, the adolescent groaned out loudly; securely wrapping her arms around her stomach. Tears urged to flood her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away.

"I'm awake. I'm a─"

Squeezing her eyes tight for the briefest of moments, they flicker back open to adjust on the image of a female leaning in close, impatiently tapping the toe of her boot against the concrete floor.

With a tilt of her head, she stretched out an arm─ almost shoving a crumpled up picture in Ana's face, "Where did you get this? Answer me!"

Propping herself up on her elbows with a quiet growl, Anais's brows narrow as she took a good look at the picture─ the one eyed teen, with a smiling toddler happily sitting upon his lap.

Slowly guiding focus back to the dark eyed female, Anais gave a quick lick of her dry lips.

"I found it."

The woman made no delay in cupping a hand around the teen's jaw, squeezing tight as her eyes narrow in a threatening manner. Strands of brunette fell over her dark eyes, something that didn't bother her all that much─ but it made a bright light pop up in Williams' mind.

Staring at the pool of dark irises with sheer awe, Anais paused before her lips slowly part, "That's you. . In the picture, isn't it? You're Carl's baby sister."

Merely by those words being uttered, the woman's grip on the teen somewhat softened, "How─ How do you know his name?"

By the layer of tears welling up in the older female's eyes, it has become apparent to Anais that she hadn't heard that name pop up in quite sometime. Many years, perhaps─ she could only assume.

The girl's lips fall agape, but quickly press together. She couldn't just tell her that she can see her deceased, older brother, could she? It wouldn't be the best introduction. Frankly, it might be the thing to send the woman over the edge, and that won't end up well on Anais' part.

Earning no response, the woman angrily sent a hard slap to the brunette's cheek before marching out of the cell─ leaving Anais defenceless on the cold floor.

She sat herself up, rolling over just a tad to spit out some saliva mixed with drops of crimson.

"Oh, there you are!" Carl began as he walked through the set of bars with ease, before extending an arm to offer Anais a hand.

"Perfect timing." Anais replied sarcastically, giving a roll of her eyes before grabbing Carl's hand─ allowing him to pull her back up to her feet, "Where the hell did you run off to?"

Rubbing at her jaw that was now marked and flushed with red, Williams watched as Carl strolled across the room; happily sitting himself down on the dirty mattress she previously laid upon.

"Looking for my family, obviously."

Rolling her eyes yet again, Anais slowly began to limp towards him, "Any luck?"

"I saw Daryl. Not family─ Well, he is family, just not. . family." Grimes said, prompting the female to squint her eyes in confusion, "He's a good friend, basically. . Anyways, he got super old looking. That's one plus about being dead. I won't be going grey anytime soon."

The spirit softly chuckled to himself, giving a slight shake of his head, "Yeah, he's all I've seen so far. . Knowing my dad, he's probably off on one of his missions."

Anais proceeded to sit herself next to him, with some assistance from Carl to do so, of course.

"I saw your sister. . Well, I think she was. She didn't exactly answer me when I asked."

Simply by those words, Anais quickly saw the milky blue in Carl's eyes light up with sheer delight, "Wait─ where?"

Feeling a smile crack along her lips, Anais awkwardly chuckled before glancing at the cell door, "She just left. . She's the one who left this beautiful red mark on my face."

The Grimes boy snorted before shaking his head in return, "Judith did that? No, she's just a little girl. . She's not even five years old yet, Ana."

   Simply by his reply, the brunette's smile gradually began to fade as the seconds drew in. There was a chance that the much older woman was in no way related to Carl, but her eyes. . the similarities were uncanny.

   "Uh, yeah─ I guess I was wrong. . It probably wasn't her at all."

   Before Carl would stand himself back up correctly, he'd press his soft lips against the heat of Ana's flushing cheek; leaving behind a tingling sensation she found to be quiet satisfying.

     Cocking up both brows, she directed eyes up at the smile beaming down back at her, "Thank you for this, Anais. . You have no idea how much I appreciate it."

   Forcing a gentle smile to stretch across her brims, she looked on as his lip's edge tugged up that tad bit more, "It's fine. Really."

  "I'm gonna go and see if I can find anymore people from my group. . And─ And I'll see if I can find a way to get them back here so they can let you out. . I'd let you out now, but they have armed guards outside, so. . Until then, I'll sneak into the supply room and grab you something to eat, okay? Sit tight."

   "Sure." As the boy excitedly spun around and raced out of the cell, Ana's smile was quick to wash off her face─ displaying an emotion that could only be seen as worry.

  "Shit. ."

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