Hey y'all!

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Hey Guys!

So if you couldn't tell already, this is the new book I said I was going to drop soon. Really excited about this one to be honest. 

Now here's something you all need to read:
It has come to my attention that you guys want more when it comes to maturity. Because let's face it, when we see the mature label, our minds immediately go to one specific thing. I can't take the label off because of the language and the potentially triggering scenes/themes.

All that aside, I've decided to add some REAL mature content. I'm not going to jump straight into hardcore fucking in every chapter of this book, but I'm warning you now that there are some things that could potentially make the innocent ones out there uncomfortable. So this is your warning. If you choose to continue reading, that's on you.

Additionally, this book is being dropped when it is completed. The only updates it will get is editing if necessary. However, I do still love hearing from you guys, so don't be afraid to reach out at anytime 😊

As always, remember to comment, share, and vote, and if you're new, don't forget to hit that follow button!

Here's a little excerpt from the book as well:

You ever wanted something so much, but you know it's bad for you, so you try and you try not to want it, but that need for it only grows stronger? Well if you have, that's me right now.

It sucks you know. Wanting something so badly. Wanting to give in so bad to the temptation. You tell yourself over and over and over again that it's bad for you. That you'll survive without it. But deep down,  you know you can't. You know you won't. And it scares you to death. Because that thing you want so badly, will only hurt you in the end.


Ariana Rose Tacori: 23

Ryder Jackson Emerson: 27


"I could never date a guy like you"

"Oh, Little Red. I'll change your mind soon enough. In fact, this, right here, this is only the mere beginning"



If you can though, happy reading 😊

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