Watch It!

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Ariana's P.O.V

It was around 65 degrees in the coffee shop I was currently in. Just the perfect temperature if you ask me. Sitting here with my nose in a book, I take slow sips of the coffee sitting in front of me. I had half an hour to kill before I had to go in for work.

"Is your coffee all right, Miss?" the barista who's name was Tori asks.

"Yes. It's delightful. Thank you." I say with a smile.

"No problem. Let me know if you need anything," she says with a slight smile.

Noticing that I have 15 minutes to get to work, I finish my coffee and mark my page in my book. Checking the table to make sure I have left nothing behind, I turn to leave when someone bumps into me. A very handsome someone.

"Watch it!" the handsome man snaps. Nevermind, he's a jerk.

"You watch it." I snap back walking out of the coffee shop. The nerve of some people I tell you.

Driving to the library I work at, I clock in and bury my nose into my book once again.

"Excuse me?" a little boy says, clearly on his tippy toes trying to see over the desk.

"Hi there," I say with a smile "Do you need some help?"

"Yes. Where are da wittle boy books?" he asks.

"They're right over here. Let me show you." I say, marking my page and taking the little boy over to the children's books.

"Tant too!" the little boy says with a smile.

"You're very welcome," I said returning his smile. And then it hit me. Where's this little boy's mom?

"Honey, where's your mommy?" I ask.

"I don't know," he says looking at one of the books he picked out. Before anything else could be said or asked, a woman comes running over to me and the boy.

"Jayden! Honey, you shouldn't run away from me like that," she says, her voice full of concern.

"Sowwy, mommy," the little boy says looking down.

"Did he cause any trouble?" Jayden's mother asks.

"Nope. None at all," I say.

"Ok. Good. Jay say bye, we have to go home now," she says.

"Ok, mommy. Bye-bye!" Jayden says to with a smile.

"Bye, Jayden," I say, returning his smile once more. "Make sure you bring that book back by August, ok?"

"Ok!" he says walking out the library with his mom. Gosh, I love little kids.

Ryder's P.O.V


The one thing that keeps me going when shit happens.

"Mia's Coffee Shop" made some of the best coffee I have ever had, so I come here every day to start my day off right. Even though I know that the majority of the time will end in me being in a shit mood and someone crying because they're fired. Got to love my life.

Being a businessman is hard. Especially since I have to live up to my father's legacy and all that crap. Did I ask for this? No. I don't really know what I would be doing other than this, but when my father died, I had to take over. It's been 4 years. I'm 27 now, and not once in those 4 years have I done something I enjoyed. Unless you count fucking girls senseless every night.

There was barely anyone here except for a couple and a redhead not too far away with her nose buried in a book. She was cute if I was being honest. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun and she had on jeans and a button-down. Might make her my next conquest. Finally deciding to head to work and fire some people, I close my laptop. Standing up, I turn around to get the redhead's number when I bump into someone.

"Watch it!" I immediately snap. Then I notice it was the redhead in the back that bumped into me.

"You watch it." she snaps back at me. Fiesty, I like it. Before I could say anything else, she walks out the door.

Walking to my car, I drive to Emerson Enterprises. Walking to my office, I couldn't get this redheaded girl out of my mind. Realizing that I needed to get her out of my mind, I call Jessica.

"Come to my office now," I say. A few minutes later, Jessica walks in. Locking the door, she kisses me roughly while tossing my suit jacket to the side.


Kinda short, but I hope you guys like it! Ariana's hair color is shown above since there are a few different shades of red. Don't forget to follow (if you haven't already), comment, and vote!

~ G

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