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Ariana's P.O.V

On Sunday, we were too tired from the party to do anything so we decided to stay in and do nothing other than sleep. We're lazy, don't judge. Waking up to the sun shining in my face, I see Ryder is still fast asleep. Slowly taking his arm off of me, I head to the bathroom and take an Advil for the pounding headache I have and hop in the shower. While washing my hair, I feel a pair of hands on my waist.

"You left me alone in bed," Ryder says.

"I needed to wash all of this sand out of my hair," I say as I continue to wash all of the conditioner out my hair.

"Fair enough. Here, you missed a spot," he says, moving his hands from my waist to my scalp, lightly massaging it.

"Damn that feels good," I say relaxing.

"Like I said, I'm good with my hands," he says, moving his hands from my hair and down the sides of my body. Turning me around to face him, he pushes me up against the wall and kisses me passionately.

Taking one of my breasts in his hand and massaging it, he sucks on the other, filling the room with my moans. Slowly kissing down the rest of my body, he gets to my dripping core and slips a finger in, making me throw my head back in pleasure. Adding another, he uses his tongue to play with my clit. Grinding against his face, I could feel myself getting close.

"F-fuck. B-baby I'm close," I say as I grip his hair.

"Cum for me, princess," he says. As my eyes roll back I let go, screaming Ryder's name in the process. "Fuck baby, you squirt like a fountain," he says, bringing his lips back to mine so I could taste myself on him. Turning us around, I move my lips from his to his neck and down his chiseled chest.

"My turn," I say as I take his hard dick in my hand and bringing my lips to it. Bobbing my head up and down, I could see Ryder was close by the way his head tilted back.

"God, baby, just like that," he says running his hands through my hair. Grabbing a handful of it, he begins to fuck my mouth, hitting the back of my throat each time. Taking my mouth off of him, he brings our lips back together and lifts me up so my legs are around his waist. Turning us around so that my back is against the wall, he enters me as he wraps his hand around my throat. Just as Ryder pulls out, there's a loud knock on the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, boss, but your mother is on the phone. She said it's urgent," Henry yells through the door.

"Tell her I'm busy and I'll call her back when I'm done," Ryder says.

"I tried to tell her that, but she said you should stop whatever you're doing and should go talk to her," Henry yells through the door once more.

"Fine. Tell her I'll be with her in a few minutes," Ryder says to Henry. As Henry's footsteps recede, Ryder turns to me and says, "Leave it to my mom to ruin a perfectly good moment."

"Hey, don't worry, we can continue this later ok? Now you should actually take a shower now," I say with a laugh.

"Yeah, I should. I'll see you outside in a few," he says. Getting out of the shower, I wrap myself in a towel and head to our room. Drying myself off, I put on a dress and blow my hair out.

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