I Hate You!

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The Next Morning 

Ariana's P.O.V 

So...maybe I overreacted. But you can't tell me you wouldn't be upset if your boyfriend conducted a background check on you. And then he checked things off that he found out along the way to make sure they lined up. 

You can't tell me that it wouldn't lead you to believe that he didn't trust you. Which hurts. You tell a guy that you love him and that you trust him, and what does he do? He gets a private investigator to follow you around and take pictures of you. Unknowingly might I add? And to top it all off, he has a checklist on you to make sure that everything you tell him lines up with what his people found.  

Am I the only one that sees something wrong with this?

A relationship is about trusting one another. Not getting investigators and background checks.

"Mama? You ok?" Ashlynn asks, slowly opening my door. 

"I don't know to be honest," I reply, looking out my window. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asks. 

"I just- I'm hurt, Ashlynn. Maybe I overreacted. I don't know. I thought he trusted me? I thought- I thought he loved me," I say, tears forming in my eyes. 

"Hey- hey. Listen to me. You didn't overreact. if it were me, I would have beaten his ass and then left him. You don't conduct background checks on people you love. You said he had it from when you guys first met. Maybe he doesn't do well with asking people about themselves," she says. 

"Maybe. He did say that he felt like I was a hard person to communicate with at first," I reply. 

"See. So it's not like he meant to hurt you. He just doesn't know how to communicate well. I'm not defending his actions, I'm just providing another side to the story," she says. 

"He still should have told me. Do you think he's planning on leaving me now?" I ask. The thought of him leaving causing tears to form in my eyes once more. 

"No, mama. Of course not. I see the way he looks at you. There's no way in hell that he's going to let you go that easy. He left over a thousand messages on your phone and over 200 calls. I think it's best if you two sit down and talk to each other. Face to face of course," she says.  

"Do you think he'll forgive me for walking out last night?"  I ask.

"Ari, you didn't do anything wrong. You were hurt and upset and so you decided to leave. There's nothing wrong with that," she says, giving me a hug. 

"When should I go see him?" I ask. 

"Why don't you go see him now. I doubt he can pay attention to anything he's doing at work right now because you guys aren't on speaking terms at the moment. Go over there and talk to your man. I'm sure he understands why you walked out. But you have to promise me you'll listen to him and his reasoning. Don't make assumptions because you know what they say about assumers. Listen to what he has to say and then react. But don't march in there, guns blazing, ready to fight. Approach him calmly and proceed to have a civil conversation," Ashlynn says.  

"You're right. A civil conversation is needed. Once I listen to his reasoning we'll be able to talk it out like rational human beings. I'm going to go wash my face and then I'll head on over. Thank you, Ash. I really needed this," I say, giving her a hug. 

"Of course, babes. Anytime," she says with a smile. 

Heading to the bathroom, I wash my face. I then change out of my pajamas and into a jeans and button-down shirt. I couldn't exactly show up to Ryder's job looking like a hot mess. They wouldn't let me see him for sure. Hopping in my car, I drive to Ryder's building and park outside. 

"A civil conversation," I say to myself as I get out of my car. 

Walking into Emerson Enterprises, I see Teresa sitting at the front desk filling out some paperwork. 

"Hey, Teresa. Is Ryder here?" I ask her. 

"Oh, hello honey. Yes, he is here. He should be up in his office," she replies. 

"Ok, thank you!" I say with a smile. Teresa is a lovely, little old lady. She reminds me a lot of my mom, just a bit older. As I get to Ryder's office door, I pause before opening it. 

"I got this," I say, giving myself a mental pep talk. 

"Baby, can we ta-," I start, but then stop dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me.

Ryder was sitting there in his chair with a half-naked girl on his lap, hands on her waist. Immediately tears form in my eyes and Ryder and the half-naked girl's lips separate. 

"So I storm out of your house because of what you did, and you're already onto you're next whore? Wow, Ryder. I guess players never do change," I say, tears forming in my eyes. 

"No! Baby, it's not like that. Let me expla-," he starts.

"Save it. I don't wanna hear it. Have fun with you're new whore," I say, slamming the door as I turn to walk away. 

It never fails, you think you finally find someone who understands you, and then they just fuck you over again and again. Why do I always fall for the wrong guy? 


So, kind of a short chapter, but I hope you guys are liking it so far. As always, don't forget to vote, comment your thoughts, share, and if you're new, don't forget to follow! I love you all! 

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