Date Night

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Ariana's P.O.V

So, I stayed at Ryder's again last night. I didn't want to leave and Ryder didn't have a problem with me staying at his place. Currently, we were driving back to my apartment.

"So I'll pick you up at 7?" he asks as he pulls up to my apartment.

"Yep. I'll see you then," I say, grabbing my things to head inside.

Taking hold of my arm, he asks, "Hey, where's my kiss?"

"Right. My bad," I say with a small laugh, leaning in to give him a kiss on the lips.

"Much better," he says with a smile. "I'll see you later, babe,"

"See you later," I reply closing the car door.

Walking into my apartment, I'm immediately thrown onto the floor.

"Where is he? Who was it?" Ashlynn asks in a karate stance.

"What on earth are you talking about?" I ask.

"The bastard that took you from me for two nights. Where is he? I swear to God if someone hurt you I'm going to kill them," she says. Ashlynn is a tad bit protective, as you can see. And since I didn't pick up my phone, I'm shocked she didn't file a 'Missing Person's Report'.

"It's a long story, that results in me going back out tonight," I say.

"Girl, I got time. And this better be a great ass story because I don't know why you have a phone if you can't answer it. And where in the hell did you get all that stuff? And whose fucking clothes are you wearing?" she asks.

"Ok, one question at a time," I say with a small laugh. "My friend at the library, J.J., needed a date to this masquerade ball his cousin was hosting. So after practically begging me I finally agreed and he took me to this Vanessa lady who said I could keep all this stuff," I say.

"Well the dress is cute, but that doesn't explain whose clothes you're wearing," she says.

"I'm getting to that. At the ball, I saw someone very familiar. It was Ryder. I know, you told me to stay away, and I tried, I really did. But when I went to get away, he followed me, and then we were alone, and then one thing led to another and I ended up going home with him," I say.

"Oh. My. Fucking. GOD. You slept with the Ryder Jackson Emerson? Girl, you realize that was a one night stand to help him get off, right? You said you wanted no part in that! What the hell is wrong with you?" Ashlynn yells.

"Oh, I'm not done. And we didn't sleep together, so get that thought out your head. However, we did make out. A lot. Since I was in that puffy dress, Ryder gave me one of his T-shirts and I slept in that. And then yesterday, while we were eating breakfast, he asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said 'yes'. And now we're going on a date. He's going to pick me up at seven," I say.

"Nope. Nah. You're lying. I'm not believing that shit," she says.

"You want me to call him and ask him? Because I'll do it," I say.

"Yes, please do that. Because there is no way in hell all that happened to you. There's no way that those are Ryder's clothes you're wearing," she says.

"Alright, bet. Where the fuck is my phone?" I ask, looking around for my phone. As I was looking through the couch to see if it fell through, we hear a knock on the door, and Ashlynn goes to get it.

"Hey, ba-. Oh, you're not Ari. She left her phone in my car," Ryder says. That's where the damn thing went.

Walking over to the door, I take my phone from Ryder. "Thank you very much. I was just looking for this," I say.

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