High Expectations

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Ariana's P.O.V

Entering the coffee shop, I order my usual and sit in my regular spot. A few minutes later, Ryder walks in. Praying that he doesn't see me, I sink a little in my chair and cover my face with my book.

"I can see you, Little Red," Ryder says.

"Damn," I say.

"You're red hair makes you stand out. So you're an easy find," he says, sitting across from me.

"What do you want now?" I ask, putting my book down.

"Im here to convince you that you are wrong for saying 'no' yesterday," he says.

"You don't handle rejection well, huh?" I ask.

"No one has ever turned me down before. I don't see why you are," he says.

"Awww, is little Ryder hurt because I rejected him?" I ask.

"No, I'm not hurt. Something as stupid as that wouldn't hurt me. As a matter of fact, I don't get hurt," he says.

"Mhm," I said unconvinced.

"What? It's true," he says.

"Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night," I reply.

"I would sleep quite amazingly if you went on a date with me," he says.

"Again, not going to happen," I say.

"Oh c'mon. Why must you play hard to get?" he asks.

"I am not playing anything. I am simply not interested," I say.

"But that's impossible," he says in disbelief.

"Impossibility lies in the dictionary of fools," I reply, using the quote my mother always told me as a child.

"Are you calling me a fool?" he asks.

"Maybe," I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Can we at least be friends then?" he asks.

"And why in the hell would I agree to be friends with a guy like you?" I ask.

"A guy like me?" he asks confused.

"Yes. My friend Ashlynn told me about you. You jump around from girl to girl night after night. Now tell me. Why in God's good name would I want to go out with a guy like that? Much less be friends with him? No offense, being friends with a guy like that means listening to all your sexual encounters, and I hear enough of that from Ashlynn. I don't need to hear about the number of girls you've fucked senseless." I say.

"Ok, that's offensive. And so what if I jump around from girl to girl. Maybe I'm looking to settle down," he says.

"Maybe you are. But I'm not dating a fuckboy. Those always end terribly. I want someone to love me for me. Not for some guy like yourself to love me and when he finds a girl prettier he goes running to her," I say.

"I feel insulted," he says.

"You should. Being a fuckboy isn't something you want to be labeled. Quite repulsive if you ask me," I say.

"Then how come the ladies are always all over me? Explain that," he says.

"It's simple. Clearly you're too blind to see it. You have money. A lot of girls out there are the gold-digging type. If the sex is good and there's a good deal of money laying around for them to spend whenever they want, then they'll hang around you hoping you'll get down on one knee someday," I say.

"So you're saying that girls are using me for the sex and money," he says.

"Most girls are," I say.

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