What The Fuck?

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4 months and a lot of great sex later...

Ariana's P.O.V 

Things have been great. More than great, actually. They've been amazing, to be honest. At the moment, I'm bored out of my mind sitting here in this library. Jeremiah and I have read every single book in this place twice now. Yes, even the children's books. That's how bored we've gotten. 

"Fuck man, why haven't we gotten any new shipments yet?" Jeremiah asks. 

"I don't know. Why don't you go ask our oh so lovely boss?" I reply. 

"Why don't you? He'll listen to you because he's in love with you," J.J says. 

"For the love of God, J.J, he is not in love with me," I say, rolling my eyes. I'm not too sure what it is, but I think J.J might be delusional. Not the craziest friend I've had. But, at this moment, he was definitely up at the top of the list. Thinking about it now, I've actually had some crazy as fuck friends. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about that crackhead energy, but some people I know, they were just psychotic. 

"You just don't like listening to me. You'll see that I'm right. Anyways, what are you doing after your shift?" he asks. 

"I'm gonna head over to Ryder's. Why?" I reply. 

"Because we need to hang out. I feel like we haven't done anything in forever because you're always at Ryder's place," he whines. 

"Ok, you do have a point. We haven't been over there in a while. But didn't you tell me you found the girl you hooked up with that one time and now you guys are a thing? You can hang out with her you know," I reply. 

"Yeah, but I need me some best friend time as well," he whines again. 

"Ok, fair. how about tomorrow after work we do something?" I ask. 

"Sounds lovely," he responds. 

"Ok, good. Well, I'm going to get my shit together and then head over to Ryder's. I'll see you tomorrow, bestie," I say, giving him a hug. 

"See you tomorrow!" he says. 

Grabbing my bag and clocking out, I call Ryder to see if he's almost finished with his work stuff. 

"Hello, my beautiful baby girl," he says. 

"Hey, handsome. You done with work yet?" I reply. 

"No, I will be in a bit. Why don't you head on over to my place? I'll be over in about 15 to 20 minutes, ok?" he responds. 

"Yeah, sure. See you then," I reply. 

"Alrighty. Love you," he says. 

"Love you too," I say, ending the call. Getting in my car, I head over to Ryder's place and make myself at home. Grabbing something to eat from the pantry, I walk around a bit looking for something to do when I get a call on my phone. 

"Hey, you ok?" I ask Ryder. 

"Yes. Did you get to mine safely?" he asks. 

"Yes, I did," I reply. 

"Ok, good. Can you do me a favor please?" he asks. 

"Yeah, sure. What do you need?" I ask. 

"Go into my office and see if there's a file labeled Anthony Enterprises. I can't seem to find it here," he says. 

"Yeah, sure. Give me one second," I say, walking into his office. "Umm, where exactly do I start in looking for this file? Your office is pretty big," I say. 

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