Shower Time Thoughts

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Ariana's P.O.V

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I see Ryder is already awake and looking at me. 

"Morning, sleeping beauty," he says, giving me a light kiss. 

"Watching me sleep again, huh?" I ask. 

"You're cute when you sleep. You're so at peace with yourself," he replies. 

"And you don't find watching someone sleep a tad bit creepy?" I ask. 

"When it comes to you? No," he replies. 

"And why is that?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. 

"Because you're my baby. And my baby gets all my attention, even when she's asleep," he replies with a smile. 

"Oh, you're too kind," I reply, giving him a light kiss. "So, what's for breakfast. Because I'm starving," I say, just as my stomach growls. 

"Well, what are you feeling for? I can get the chef over or make something for you if you'd like," Ryder says. 

"Can you make one of your mom's famous omelets? Those are so damn good," I reply, my mouth already watering at the thought. 

"Yeah, sure," he replies. 

"Yay! You're the best. I'm gonna go take a shower and I'll see you downstairs," I say. 

"Want me to join you?" he says winking. 

"No, because then we'll never get out of the shower," I reply. 

"I was just going to help you wash your hair, that's all. No need to be thinking such dirty thoughts this early in the morning," he says with a chuckle. 

"Mhmm, sure. I'm going to take a shower. Without you," I reply, emphasizing the "without" part. Giving Ryder one last kiss, I lift the covers off of me and get up to go to the shower, only to instantly fall to the floor in pain. How could I forget one of the aftermaths of having sex? The pain downstairs could be a bit much, especially when it's unexpected. Not to mention, the wobbly legs. But that's what happens when you haven't had sex in a while. 

"You all right there?" Ryder asks a little worried. 

"Yes, I'm fine," I say, getting up only to fall once more as I trip over a sheet. "So um, maybe I do need a bit of help," I say looking at Ryder. 

"Thought so," he says in between laughs. 

"Don't laugh at me!" I say, throwing a pillow at him. 

"Alright, alright. Sorry, sorry. Here, let me help you," he says, picking me up bridal style and bringing me to his bathroom. Putting me to stand up, he turns on the water and we both get in the shower. 

As the warm water hit my skin, I couldn't help but think, "Is this going to last?" "What if he finds another girl who's better than me?" "What if I wasn't good enough last night?

"You ok baby?" he asks.

"Yeah," I reply. 

"No, something seems to be bothering you. What is it?" he asks. 

"I just- I want this to last, Ryder. All my life I've always had someone bringing me down. What if you find a girl that's better than me? What if I was terrible last night? No guy wants a girl who's terrible at-" I start, only to be cut off. 

Turning me around to face him, he says, "Hey, listen to me. Last night? Was amazing. There's no other girl that I want to be with other than you. I love you, Ari. There's no girl that could ever replace you. As for this lasting. I want it to last too. Words can't describe how you make me feel, Ari." 

"As a matter of fact, let me prove to you that I'm not going anywhere," Ryder seductively whispers in my ear, nibbling on my earlobe. 

Passionately kissing me, he takes one of my breasts in his hands, massages it firmly, and brings one of my nipples into his mouth. With every suck and nibble, my moans got louder and louder. 

"Jump," he says. Jumping, I wrap my legs around his waist and feel his hard member press against me as he pushes me against the cold wall. 

Ryder's P.O.V

Slowly slipping my throbbing dick into her tight entrance, I grab a bit of her hair and gently pull it on. 

"Oh fuck," she moans, throwing her head back, causing me to thrust faster into her. Releasing her hair, I smack her ass and ravish her neck while she digs her nails into my back. 

"Harder, baby" she moans, and as she wished I drill into her harder. Feeling her walls tighten around me, my movements start to get sloppier as we are both close to the edge. 

"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum," she says. 

"Cum for me, baby," I say, as she reaches her climax. As soon as she finishes, I pull out of her and she drops to her knees. Opening her mouth, I release on her tongue so she could swallow. Fuck I love this girl. Helping her up, we decide to shower for real this time. 

Getting out of the shower, we dry ourselves and throw on some clothes. While Ari dried her hair, I got to work on the omelets. In all honesty, I can't believe that she's here, with me. A guy like me doesn't deserve a girl as perfect as her. But I'll be damned if I let anyone ruin what we have. 

"How are the omelets coming?" I hear her ask as she wraps her arms around my torso. 

"They're almost finished. I made some pancakes as well," I reply. 

"Mmm, yummy," she replies. "I'll go set the table," 

"Ok," I say, flipping the omelet over. As Ari set the table, I couldn't help but smile. She's mine. All mine. For the rest of the day, we lazed around and did absolutely nothing. Just watching movies and enjoying each other's company. Something in my life was finally going right. 

And it was all because of my Little Red. 


A/N: Soooo, how are we feeling? Are you guys liking it so far? If you are, don't forget to comment and vote. Your feedback means the world to me :)

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Thank you guys so much for giving this book a chance, now onto the next chapter :)

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