Well Shit

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It's been four months since I last saw Ryder. I think I'm over him. Sure, there have been times I cried myself to sleep because I miss him a lot, and times I was stress eating because I couldn't handle being away from him. And then there were the times I would drive by the coffee shop and almost go inside.

It was hard. I wasn't going to lie about that. But I was handling. Driving to the library, I'm greeted by a smiling Jeremiah.

"What are you so smiley about?" I ask.

"I got laid last night. And it was amazing. I'm talking mind-blowing sex," he says.

Just like how sex with you and Ryder would be. Mind-blowing.

Stop thinking such dirty thoughts, Ari.

"Wow. Congrats?" I say as more of a question.

"Thing is, I don't have her number. Or remember her name. I think it was Ashley or something, but I'm not too sure," he says.

"Wow. So you fuck a girl and don't bother getting her name down? Classic fuckboy move, J.J.," I say.

"Sorry. But I needed someone to fulfill my needs. You should've seen the dress she was wearing. She looked hot as hell," he says.

"Well that's lovely," I say.

"I need one of you guys to go get the new box of books that just got delivered," our boss says.

"On it," J.J says to our boss. "I'll be right back," he says to me, getting up out of his chair.

Not even a few seconds later, a man in a suit walks up to our desk.

"Hi, there pretty lady. I'm Jeremy Maitland. I'm looking for my cousin Jeremiah Jones. Do you know where I could find him?" the man asks.

Maitland. Where have I heard that name before? It sounded so familiar.

"Yea. He went to go get a delivery. He'll be back in a few minutes," I say.

"Ah. Wonderful. So you work here with little Jeremiah?" he asks.

"Uhh, yeah," I say. Obviously I work here. I wouldn't be sitting behind this desk if I didn't. Some people are just dumb I tell you.

"So you're a bookworm just like him?" he asks.

"I guess you could say that," I say with a shrug.

"I have got the boxes," Jeremiah says putting them down in front of me. "Jeremy? What are you doing here?" Jeremiah asks as he sees his cousin.

"Well, my mom and dad want to know if you're bringing a plus one or not to tonight's masquerade ball. Because, after all, you did say you were going to. Unless I was right when I said you can't get any girls," Jeremy says.

"I get plenty of girls thank you very much," J.J. says.

"Right. So either your phone number changed or you're ignoring my mom when she calls and texts you. And you know my mother doesn't like being ignored. So, do you have a date? Yes or no?" his cousin asks.

"Yes!" Jeremiah yells, clearly flustered. "I mean umm, yes. I have a date," he says in a calmer and quieter voice.

"Wonderful. I will see you and your date tonight then. See you soon cousin. Have a wonderful day pretty lady," his cousin says. Jeez, his cousin was a jerk.

"I need a favor," Jeremiah quickly says.

"Oh dear," I say rolling my eyes. "What is it?" I ask. I already knew the answer, I just had a little hope it would be different.

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