Our Peanut

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Ariana's P.O.V

Ryder had made me stay home for the entire week because he didn't want me to get hurt or anything. Waking up to the sun shining on my face, a cool breeze blows through the window on this beautiful Saturday morning. 

"Good morning, Little Red," Ryder says kissing my lips, bringing back the nickname he used to call me non-stop. "Good morning, Peanut," he says as he kisses my stomach. 

"Morning," I reply with a slight laugh. 

Keeping his head level with my stomach he says, "Listen here buddy, I think you and I can both agree that we can come to an agreement here. Last night, and every night before that, I went easy on your mom because I didn't want to hurt you. Now, you can stay in there, as long as I get some sexy time with your mom." 

"Ryder," I say, hitting him lightly. 

"What? I'm just saying. I'm willing to go easy on you as long as Peanut here doesn't decide to pull any stunts," he says. 

"I think you'll live if you don't have sex for 9 months, Ryder," I say. 

"Ummm, no. Sex with you is addicting. So, no. Definitely going to shrivel up and die if we don't fuck for 9 months," he says. 

"Stop being dramatic and make me and Peanut some breakfast," I say getting up. 

"Shit, demanding much?" Ryder says as he gets up. Picking me up, he brings me downstairs and places me on the counter. 

"Hello everyone, welcome back to Cooking With Ryder, and today we are going to be cooking whatever my beautiful girl and amazing child want. I'm Ryder Emerson, and I'll be your chef, because hello, I'm the best. Do tell, mi amor, what is it you fancy today?" he says. 

"A sunnyside egg on peanut butter and bread," I said. Blinking a few times and scratching his head to make sure he wasn't hearing things, he turns back to the invisible camera and picks up his spatula as if it were his microphone. 

"As we can see, my girlfriend and kid like to eat some weird shit," he says. Turning to my stomach and leveling with it once more he says, "Hey kid, I love you and all, but can you not come up with some weird-ass combos to eat?"

"Oh shush and make us our damn food," I say. 

Grabbing his spatula again and turning to the imaginary camera he says, "As we can see, my girlfriend is a bit bitchy this morning because she and our child are hungry. So without further ado, let's get to cooking." 

Grabbing a pan and cracking an egg onto the pan, he seasons the egg and grabs the peanut butter and bread. Spreading some peanut butter onto both sides of the bread, he flips the egg over and leaves it for a few. Talking through everything he was doing, he takes the egg out of the pan and places it on the bread to complete the sandwich. Picking me up and seating me down by the kitchen table, he places the plate in front of me.

"Bon appetite!" he says. 

"Thank you very much," I reply. Taking a bite, I immediately fall in love with it. How in the hell did I not think of this combo before? 

"is it good?" he asks as he prepares his omelet. 

"It's amazing," I reply. "Do you want to try some?" I ask. 

"No, I'm good," he says. 

"Suit yourself. More for me anyway," I say as I take another bite of my sandwich. As Ryder and I finished up breakfast, we get ready for the day. After taking a shower, I toss on a pair of jeans and a loose shirt. Today was our first appointment. To say I was nervous was an understatement. Was the baby ok? Was I doing anything wrong? Was there anything I was doing right? Am I going to be a good mom?

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