You Talk Too Much

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Ryder's P.O.V 

I was determined to make things right between Ariana and I. Was she going to listen? I hope so. But as I said before, this isn't the way our story ends. No skank is going to come between me and my love. 

Now I need a plan. 

Ariana's P.O.V 

Did I do anything yesterday? 

Nope. Unless you count laying in your bed crying and daydreaming as something. 

I miss him. Maybe I should be a dumbass and go see him. Maybe for one last time, I should feel his warm embrace. 

No, Ari. Are you insane? He should be the one crawling back to you, not the other way around. He's the one that cheated, not you. It's not your place to go begging for forgiveness, it's his. 

Yes, but I miss him a lot. I don't care if I wasn't in the wrong, I just needed one last kiss. One last moment together. 

"What are you thinking?" Ashlynn asks me. 

"Nothing," I reply, taking a sip of the coffee she brought me from Mia's Coffee Shop. 

"No. Don't give me that. It's not nothing. It's definitely something. The way you knot your eyebrows together means your thinking about something, most likely even having a conversation with yourself. What's going on in that messy head of yours?" she asks. 

"I've been thinking about him. Again," I reply. 

"What about him?" she asks. 

"I miss him a lot. I feel like I should go see him, even though's there's a chance he's with that girl now. I feel like I need some type of closure, you know?" I reply. 

"I get what you mean. but do you really think that's a smart idea?" she asks. 

"No. Yes. Maybe. I don't know. I spent one day without him and I feel like I've already gone crazy," I reply. 

"I know, Ari, I know. But you yourself said, he might be with that girl you saw him with. Do you really want to put yourself through that again? I saw how much of a mess you were after Christain, and I can tell you're trying your hardest to keep it together now, but Ari you need to be smart here. I don't like seeing you hurt. if it were up to me, I would have already kicked his ass multiple times," she says. 

"There's no need for violence, Ash," I say. 

"I know. You're the only reason I haven't beat his ass by now. I know you're not the type for violence. But seriously, Ari, listen to your brain for a second. Your heart may be calling you towards him again, but does your brain think that's the best thing for you right now?" she asks. 

"No, my brain tells me it's a stupid idea," I reply. 

"Exactly. And I agree with your brain. It'd be like you're setting yourself up for humiliation," she says. 

"You have a point there," I reply. 

"Of course I do. However, as your best friend, I'm going to support you regardless of the decision you make. You want to go see him, I'll be there for you. You want to stay away, I'll still be here for you. You're like a sister to me. It's only fair that I give you the love and support you need," she says. 

"I just feel lost, you know? I feel like he was the one thing that kept me sane. I feel like a part of me is missing. I just feel...empty," I say. 

"I know this is going to be hard. But remember, you're not to blame for any of this. So whatever guilt you're feeling, you shouldn't be. He's the one that fucked up here. But like I said, I'm sure you'll have guys knocking down our door trying to go out with you," she says. 

"You really think so?" I ask. 

"I know so. Any guy would be lucky to call you theirs," she says, coming around the table to where I was seated and giving me a hug. 

"I love you," I say, squeezing her lightly. 

"I love you too, sis," she replies. 

Before either of us could say another word, our door flies off its hinges. 

"Ryder?" I ask in disbelief as I pull away from Ashlynn. 

"We can't end this way. Not like this. I'm not letting some whore come between us and take you away from me," he says, gasping for air. 

"Are you ok? You're a mess. What happened?" I ask concerned. His hair was a mess, suit out of order, and not to mention he was gasping for air. 

"You know, I just want to point out, when I said guys will be knocking down our door because of you, I didn't mean they'd actually knock our door off the mother fucking hinges!" Ashlynn says, her voice getting louder with every word. 

"Your door is the least of my worries right now. I'll fix it when I'm done saying what I have to say," Ryder says. 

"You better," Ashlynn says as she turns around to walk to her room. 

"Why are you here?" I ask quietly. 

"It looked bad. I know. And I can't take back the background check and the private investigator, but I promise you, I would never cheat on you," he says, still out of breath. 

"Why are you out of breath?" I ask. 

"My car, it wouldn't start. And I didn't have time to call a taxi because with every passing second I feel like I was losing you more and more, which is why even though I put my suit on to go to work, I just couldn't because I can't let things end between us like this. I can't lose the love of my life because of a misunderstanding. I love you too much to let you go that easily. So, I decided to run here," he says. 

"So explain your side of the story," I say, sitting down next to him. 

"I asked for the background check on you because I wanted to know I wasn't tripping. Adversaries of mine have placed pretty girls in my way so that they could get at me and use them as leverage so they could get shares to my company. But you, you were different. Those other girls, I didn't care about them. But then you came into my life and I just, I lost control. You made me feel things I never felt before. I was scared to get involved with you because I didn't want to get close to someone who was just going to use me." he says. 

"And what about the girl?" I ask. 

"Somehow, someone must have known you were on your way to my office, because not even five seconds later after her arrival, you walked in. All she had on was a trench coat. I thought she was at my building to talk business on behalf of someone, but instead, she was used to get you away from me. I promise you this, Ari, I'm not a cheater. I wouldn't want to hurt you like that. I know I can't change what I did in the past, but I promise you, baby, I love you too much to ever hurt you like that again," he says. 

"I want that file you have on me shredded and never seen again. As for the girl, she didn't mean anything right?" I ask. 

"Nothing. I swear," he says.

"Ok. I accept your apology and I thank you for coming here and talking to me. But I'm serious when I say I want my file gone and never seen again," I say. 

"Of course. As soon as I get back to my place I'm erasing every trace of it. Is there anything else you want me to do. Name it and I'll-," he starts, only for me to cut him off. 

"Shut up, you talk too much," I say, grabbing him by the collar and bringing his lips to mine. 

"Hey! Fix my damn door and go fuck elsewhere, not in the kitchen!" Ashlynn yells. 

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