You and Me

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Ariana's P.O.V

"Holy Shit. Where are we?" I ask looking out the window.

"Welcome to Antigua, my love," he responds.

"Oh my God! I've always wanted to go here!" I say excitedly.

"Exactly why I brought you here," he says.

"C'mon, let's go," I say, quickly grabbing my carry-on from the above compartment and running towards the exit.

"Woah, slow down there baby," he says with a chuckle.

"Sorry, I'm just really excited," I reply.

"Oh really? I couldn't tell," he says sarcastically with a chuckle.

Exiting the plane, we head to Ryder's house. Yes, Ryder has a house in Antigua. Trust me, I didn't believe it either. Setting our bags down in our room, I throw myself onto the comfy bed.

"God, this bed is so comfy," I say, rolling around in it.

"Well, don't get too comfortable. I was hoping we could head down to the beach in a bit," he says.

"But I don't want to leave this comfy bed," I whine.

"Well it is only 10 in the morning, so I guess we could take a little nap and then head over to the beach," he says.

"Yes, I like that idea," I say, snuggling up in the soft blanket.

"Alrighty, move over. You can't have the whole bed," he says with a chuckle.

"Right, my bad," I say, moving over to make some space for him and then laying my head on his chest, quickly falling asleep.

<Time Skip>

"Baby. Baby, wake up," I say to Ryder.

"Why? I'm so comfy," he whines, holding me tighter against him.

"Babe, it's 2 o'clock. I wanna go to the beach now," I say.

"Alright, alright. Let's take a shower first and then we can go, ok?" he replies.

After taking a quick shower, we toss on our outfits and head for the beach.

After taking a quick shower, we toss on our outfits and head for the beach

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