Holy Fuck

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Ariana's P.O.V 

Things are finally back on track. Ryder asked me to move in with him shortly after we made back up. Of course, I said yes. It honestly amazes me that it's almost been a year since we started dating, since we didn't officially break up when we had that fight. 

Ashlynn wanted me to meet her boyfriend tonight at dinner. I was happy to see she was finally settling down with someone instead of dick-hopping from one guy to the next. 

"I can't believe you've actually settled down a bit," I say, taking a bite of my burger. 

"I know right. I couldn't believe it myself. But he's so nice, you'll love him," she says, blushing. 

"Awww, is someone blushing?" I ask, teasing her. 

"What? No. Shut up," she says as her cheeks turn a crimson red. 

Finishing our food, we head back to our apartment to get everything set up for tonight. Ryder was also coming over for dinner to make Ashlynn's boyfriend feel a bit more comfortable. 

"What time is he coming over at?" I ask as we get into our apartment. 

"Seven. And right now, it's a little after five. It's crunch time woman, we need to get this place in order," she says frantically dusting the furniture. 

"Has he never come over to your place before?" I ask. 

"He has a few times when we, you know. But, this time is different. He's meeting my best friend. So this is kind of a big deal," she says. 

"Ok, well do you want me to get started on dinner or should I do something different?" I ask. 

"Can you get started on dinner, please? I'd make it myself, but I don't want to risk burning the apartment down. And what if I fuck it up and make it taste bad? Then he'll know I can't cook. But making you do it also makes him aware of my insecurities about cooking and I don't think he wants a woman like that. Oh my God, this is a disaster!" Ashlynn says, freaking out. 

"Keep it together, you crazy woman! I'll make dinner. You go get yourself together and clean that thing you call a room," I say, shake her somewhat violently. 

"What? My room is fine," she says. 

"No, it isn't. If you and your man decide to do the deed once Ryder and I leave, we don't need you tripping over the million and one pieces of clothing you have all over your floor," I say. 

"You're right. You're right. I'll go clean my room and then I'll get myself ready. Thank you, love," she says, giving me a hug. 

"No problem. Now go, I have a dinner to make," I say, pushing her towards her room. 

I decided I was going to make spaghetti and meatballs because why the fuck not. Plus, I didn't have that much time left. I still had to shower and get myself ready. Putting the pasta in the boiling water, I shape my meatballs and pop in the pan, nearly burning myself a few times. As I got started on the sauce, I felt a pair of hands around my waist. 

"What the-," I say, startled. 

"It's just me," Ryder says, kissing my cheek. 

"You scared the fuck out of me. How did you get in here?" I ask. 

"The front door was open," he says. 

"Oh. I must have forgotten to lock it when I walked in," I say with a small laugh. 

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