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Ariana's P.O.V

Things were great. Better than great actually. Things were amazing.

"Oh, my God. Girl, you are glowing," J.J says.

"Shut up," I say, packing the books onto the shelves.

"Oof, someone's bitchy," he asks.

"No, I'm not," I reply.

"Ari, have you and Ryder done it yet?" he asks.

"That's none of your business," I reply.

"I'll take that as a 'no' then. Oh my. I know why you're so bitchy," he says. 

"J.J I will punch you. Don't think I won't," I say.

Disregarding my threat, he says in a sing-song voice, "Somebody's sexual frustrated,"

"I am not," I snap back.

"Really?" he says unconvinced.

"Yes, really," I reply.

"Ari, it's March. you guys have been together for 4 months now. I'm not saying sex is something you rush, but this is Ryder we're talking about. This is kind of long for him," J.J says.

"Don't you think I realize that. This is all so he could prove his point of being a changed man," I reply.

"What?" J.J asks.

"Back when we first met, he asked me out, and I denied him. I told him I wouldn't date a guy like him because of his fuckboy ways. Since then, he made it his mission to prove to me he was done with that," I say.

"And as a result, he's holding out on you until you can't take it anymore," J.J concludes.

"Yep. That's what he seems to be doing," I reply with a sigh.

"Aww. I'm all for sweet, passionate sex but when you guys finally do fuck, there will be nothing sweet about it. Just hard and rou-," he starts, only to be cut off by me punching him. "Ow! Take your sexual frustration out on somebody else," he says.

"Can you shut up! The whole library doesn't need to know, you ass," I say.

"Oh really? Watch this," he says, standing up on our desk. "Hey, everybody. Ari is sexually-," he yells.

Pulling him down, I hit him in the back of his head. "Are you insane? People are trying to read," I snap.

"Yes, but this is good quality entertainment right here. My best friend is sexually frustrated because the one and only Ryder Jackson Emerson won't give it up to her. This is history in the making," J.J says.

"Sometimes, I wonder why I bother with you," I say.

"Because you love me and I'm your best friend," he says laying on me.

"Get off me you fatass," I say, shoving him off.

"Never," he says.

"You're so heavy. You're breaking my bones," I say when Jeremiah decides to sit on my lap.

"Oh, shut up. I'm not that heavy," he says.

"Yes you are," I say, trying to push him off.

"Can you guys stop messing around, this is a library," Our boss says scolding us.

"Sorry, sir," I say.

"There's a new shipment of books that just came in, I think you guys should go deal with that," he says and then walks away.

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