Say Something, Please

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Ariana's P.O.V

"You're-you're... I'm sorry, wait... what?" he asks, confused.

"I'm pregnant," I repeat as another tear rolls down my cheek, scared of what his response will be when he fully processed what I just said.

"You're-you're pregnant? I'm sorry, I think I have something in my ear. Or maybe I've gone completely insane because it sounds like you're saying you're pregnant," he says.

"Because I am," I say showing him the three positive pregnancy tests that I took earlier today with Ashlynn. Looking at them, he was silent.

Fucking hell, I hate silence.

You see, the worse thing for me is when you say something and the only response you get is silence. Especially in the current situation. His silence was currently killing me. The silence between us was deafening. Most of all, I was scared shitless for whatever it was that he would say next. Will his reaction be good? Will it be bad? Is he going to walk out and leave us? Will he stay? Is he going to be angry? Will he be happy? Is he going to want to keep it? Does he want to get rid of it? Fuck, I have so many questions.

"Say something, please," I beg.

"I-You're-you're pregnant?" he asks. Nodding my head, I let another tear fall. Was I ready to be a mom?

"Are-are you sure it's mine?" he asks.

"Well duh. Who the fuck else's would it be?" I ask.

"Valid point," he says. "But that doesn't make any sense. I always pulled out. When in the hell did this happen?" he asks.

"I don't know," I say.

"Wait. This started that Monday after the party right?" I say, coming to a realization.

"Yeah, but what does the party have to do with anything? We were both...oh shit," he says, coming to the same realization as me.

"We were both drunk and when we woke up we were both naked. Obviously meaning that we fucked," I say.

"Which means that while I was drunk I forgot to fucking pull out," Ryder says. "Fuck, I'm so sorry baby," he says.

"It was an innocent mistake. You didn't purposely not pull out," I say.

"I know. I know. But what are we going to do?" he asks.

"I don't know. What do you wanna do?" I ask.

"Whatever you want to do. Do you wanna get an-" he starts, only for me to cut him off.

"No! Are you insane? I'm not killing our kid," I say, immediately crossing an arm over my stomach.

"Ok. Ok good. I didn't want you to do that either. But I didn't want to make it seem like you had no choice." he says.

"So..." I say.

"So we keep it. Unless you want to give it up for..." he starts again.

"Again. No! Not fucking happening," I say.

"Alright, alright. Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm just stating our options," he says.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry," I say.

"It's ok," he says. "Holy shit,"

"What?" I ask.

"I'm gonna be a dad. I'm going to be a freaking dad," he exclaims with a big smile on his face. Doing a little victory dance, he kisses me passionately. Removing his lips from mine, he kneels down so that his face is level to my stomach.

"Hey there. I know you're like the size of a Peanut right now, and you don't have ears, so you can't even hear me. I think that makes me insane because I'm talking to a Peanut, but you're your mommy and I's Peanut. Anyways, I just want to say that even though we haven't met yet, mommy and I are going to love and spoil you rotten," he says as he kisses my non-existent stomach, which tickled a bit.

"I would also like to ask that you stop making your mom throw up every time she eats. It seems the only thing you like is Nutella because that's the only thing she doesn't throw up. But if you could kindly like the other food she eats, that would be much appreciated," he adds.

"We're gonna be parents," Ryder says as he gives me a kiss.

"Yes, we are," I say, returning his smile.

"Oh shit. Does that mean no sex?" he asks.

"I would think so. Wouldn't want to hurt the baby," I say.

"Damn it. I'm definitely asking the doctor when we go for an appointment. Can we do it one last time, just in case I have to suffer for 9 months?" he says.

"Ryder," I say with a playful eye roll.

"I'll be gentle I promise," he says to me. Leaning down so he's level with my stomach again he says, "You better hope your mom and I are allowed to fuck while you're in there or we're gonna have some problems, buddy. You may not know this yet, but your mom is hot as fuck. And if I have to go 9 months without fucking her then I think I might die from a lack of sex."

"Ryder," I say, lightly smacking him on the head.

"What? I'm just saying. Our Peanut best not be the reason I'm deprived of sex. I'm sorry, but regardless of what the doctor says we're fucking. I am too young to be deprived of sex," he says.

"You're 28. I consider you to be old, to be honest," I say with a laugh.

"I am not old," he says.

"Yeah, you are," I reply.

"Shut up," he says.

"Make me," I retort.

"Fine I will," he says, pulling me in for a passionate kiss that of course.

"Wait, wait," I say as I pull away from our kiss.

"What?" he asks.

"What about the Chinese food?" I ask.

"Fuck the Chinese food. I want to eat you right now," he says as he pulls me back in for a kiss that leads to our clothes being on the floor in a matter of minutes.


Kind of a short chapter, but what do you guys think? Are you guys enjoying the book so far? Make sure to leave your thoughts in the comments and as always vote, share, and if you're new don't forget to follow!

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