I'm "Sick"

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Ariana's P.O.V

So, I went home with him. There was no point in returning to the other people if neither of us was going to pay attention.

And even though we didn't sleep together last night, we made out...a lot.

In the hallway, in the limo on the way to his place, and then up in his room. And let me tell you, it has got to be the best damn make-out session I have ever had. Not that I have many to compare it to, but you get my point.

Waking up this morning, I feel an arm draped over my waist. Ryder's arm. God, that puts a smile on my face.

Stretching, I turn over to see Ryder already awake and staring at me.

"Watching me sleep now, huh?" I ask.

"Well, you are very cute when you sleep, so yes, I watched you sleep," he says.

"Weirdo," I say with a playful eye roll.

"You like me a lot, so shut up," he says.

"Yea, yea. What time is it?" I ask him.

Checking his watch, he says, "12:30. Why?"

"Shit. I'm late for work," I say, frantically looking for my phone.

50 missed calls from J.J
87 text messages from J.J
167 missed calls from Ash❣️
243 text messages from Ash❣️

"Jesus Christ," I say.

"Yea. Your phone was going off a lot, so I had to turn it off," Ryder says.

"My boss is going to kill me," I said panicking.

"Hey, hey. Calm down. Just call out sick. You think I'm going anywhere? My ass is staying home. And you're pretty ass is staying here with me too," he says.

"But-," I start.

"Just call out. Please," he says.

"Fine," I say, calling the library.

"Lakeside Public Library,  how may I help you?" J.J asks. That's weird, my boss should be the one picking up not him.

"J.J.? Why the hell are you answering the phone?" I ask confused.

"Oh my God. You're alive. Are you ok? Did someone hurt you? Where the hell are you? You just disappeared last night. If someone hurt you I swear to Go-," he rambles on and on.

"J.J. Chill. I'm fine. I went home because I wasn't feeling well," I say making up a quick lie.

"Oh, alright. So are you not coming in today?" he asks.

"No, because I'm...sick," I say with a few fake coughs.

"You're sick?" he asks unconvinced.

"Uh, yes. I am sick," I say confirming.

"Well let me bring you some soup," he says.

"No, I'm fine. I ate already. And took some medicine. I'm just going to sleep now," I say, adding in a few more coughs and a sneeze.

"Oh. Alright, well let me know if you ne-," he starts.

"I probably won't need anything but thanks for the offer. Ok bye!" I say hanging up the phone quickly to see Ryder laughing his ass off.

"What?" I ask putting my phone down.

"You could never be an actress. That was the fakest sickness I have ever seen. My grandma could do better than that," he says.

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