My One and Only

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Ariana's P.O.V

Things have been pretty peaceful. Ryder had to once again up the security around me so that 'the vipers', as he calls them, don't get to me and ask questions.

At the moment, Jeremiah and I were just talking about life.

"So, how's you and Ash?" I ask.

"You ruined her," he replies.

"I ruined her? How the hell did I do that?" I ask.

"She's on baby fever now. She wants a baby really bad, but I'm not like you and Ryder. I know I'm so not ready to be a dad. Ash and I don't even live together. And I'm not like Ryder, where I got money coming out of my ass. Ash and I make minimum wage, there's no way we could support a child and ourselves," J.J. says.

"Have you explained that to her?" I ask.

"I've tried to, but she never lets me finish. She always tells me I'm being a Negative Nancy or a Debbie Downer. Like I get it, kids are cute and all, and I do want some of my own, but not now. I know I'm not ready for that," he says.

"I think you should sit her down and make her listen. A relationship is a two-way thing. It's made of what she wants but as well as what you want. If it's only what she wants, then both of you will be miserable," I say.

"How? She'd be the one getting what she wants," he says.

"Yes, but you would be miserable and struggling to make ends meet. And with you being miserable, that would take a toll on her and your child eventually," I say.

"Yeah, you have a point," he says. "Do you think she would try to trick me into having a kid?" he asks.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Like, do you think she would purposely get off the pill just so I could get her pregnant. Because I'm not an asshole. I wouldn't leave her if she was pregnant with my kid. I would stay and support them both even though I'm a broke-ass mother fucker. When I moved out because I didn't want a part of the family business, my parents cut me off. It's not like I have money saved up in a vault somewhere for emergencies. I've been trying to save up, but I don't think Ash is thinking through this logically," he says.

"Well, as much as I hate to say it if Ash wants something, she might go to extreme lengths to get it. So she might. I think it's best if you talk to her before she does something like that. Make her listen to you and your reason. And even though she won't like it at first, she'll understand eventually that not having a kid is what's best for her. Trust me, I want my son to have a kid or two to play around with, and I would happily accept Ash's child as my child's best friend, but if you can't support yourselves and a kid, then that's a disaster waiting to happen," I say.

"So sit her down and make her listen. You realize she stubborn as fuck, right?" he says.

"Yes, but she'll come around I promise," I say.

"You sure?" he asks.

"Positive," I say with a smile. Leaving the library a few hours later, I walk to our door to see a note on it.

"Your hair is as red as a rose, and you smell just a sweet as them. It's one of the reasons I love you Little Red" the note reads. As I open the door, a bunch of rose petals lay on the floor.

"What the?" I ask myself.

"Babe? Are you home?" I yell, trying to figure out if Ryder was here or not. receiving no answer, I took that as a 'no'. Following the rose petal trail, I see it leads to our bedroom. On the bed, there was another note.

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