Heartbreak Is A Bitch

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Ariana's P.O.V


Everyone at some point in their life will experience heartbreak. And you know what? It's probably one of the most painful things that can happen to a person. I'm not even kidding. When your heart is broken, it feels like it shattered into a million pieces. It's like the guy you've been head over heels for stomped on your heart mercilessly. It feels like your heart was ripped into pieces, cut to bits and tossed into the garbage left to rot. This hurts, both mentally and physically. Having a broken heart causes physical pain to your heart. You scream and shout and wish this wasn't the way it was. You wish this was just some horrible nightmare. But the sad truth is, it isn't. It is true. It is reality. The guy you fell for and trusted with your whole being has caused you to feel one of the worst emotions anyone could ever feel. 

It's at times like these where I wish I was a little girl again. Simply because bruised knees are easier to fix than a broken heart. 

But what can I say? Heartbreak is a bitch. 

How could I be so stupid? I told myself that I wouldn't ever fall for a guy like him. Players don't change. Yet, I did anyway. I fell for the playboy they warned me about. While he's off with whatever her name was, I'm just sitting here all alone. Wasting away in my own pity. 

Maybe, I'm dramatic. Maybe, I overreact. But this? This isn't something one takes lightly and then moves on with. This isn't something you just, forget about. He cheated on me. The man that claimed he loved me, cheated on me. That isn't love. You don't hurt the ones you love by cheating on them. That's not how love works. Or at least, last time I checked that isn't how it worked. 

"Babes, I'm so sorry," Ashlynn says running onto my room and giving me a hug. 

"It's fine. I should have expected this to happen sooner or later. I was stupid to think he wouldn't get tired of me eventually," I say, tears running down my cheek once more. 

"No! Don't you ever say that. He's the one who fucked up here, not you. You are the perfect girlfriend. hell, if I was a guy, I would totally want to date you. the fact that he decided to cheat on you the day after you guys got into a fight is just unbelievable. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about the two sides of a story, but there's no logical reasoning as to why he would do this," she says. 

"Yes, there is. He got tired of me. There's all the logical reasoning you need to see why he did what he did," I reply. 

"Hey, don't give me that. He's an ass and you don't need him," Ashlynn says. 

"Do you think I did something to push him away? Maybe, maybe I was too clingy. Or maybe the sex wasn't good enough for him anymore. Or-," I start, only to get caught off by Ashlynn. 

"Ari, baby. I need to listen to me, ok? You did nothing wrong. What happened isn't your fault. I don't know what went down when you too fucked, but I guarantee you that you were the best he ever had," she says. 

"How in the hell would you know that?" I ask with a small laugh. 

"Because you're a lady in the streets. that automatically makes you a freak in the sheets. And word has it Ryder has a thing for freaks. Plus, whenever you guys thought you were on your own here and you're going away at it, y'all tend to be quiet loud," she says, wiggling her eyebrows. 

"Oh my God! You've heard us before?" I ask, my eyes opening wide in shock. 

"Yes. I just didn't want to interrupt or say anything so I usually get what I need to get and do a full 180 out the door," she replies. "You know, that would make a great Tik Tok," she adds. 

"Ashlynn," I say, hitting her with my pillow. 

"What? I'm just being honest. I can see it already, I'd go viral," she says. 

"Lord have mercy," I reply, rolling my eyes. 

"But in all seriousness, you did nothing wrong, so don't ever think that you did. Did he try contacting you?" she asks. 

"Yes, but I didn't answer. Plus, I don't know where my phone is anymore. I threw it across the room out of anger, so it's probably shattered by now," I reply. 

"Well damn. You don't need him, Ari. You're an amazing girl and I guarantee you you're going to find a guy that's going to treat you like the queen you are," she says. 

"But, Ryder used to treat me like a queen," I say, bursting into tears. 

"Oh, babes. I know. But you'll find someone who won't ever hurt you, I promise. You're so pretty, I'm sure guys will be knocking our door down trying to get to you," she says, hugging me. 

"Stop complimenting me," I whine as the tears kept on flowing. 

'What? Why?" Ashlynn asks concerned. 

"Because Ryder used to compliment me all the time and you doing it just reminds me of him. And every time I think of him I get sad because he doesn't want me anymore," I say. At this point, Ashlynn's shirt was drenched in my tears. 

I miss him. Fuck, I really do love him. This is going to be hard. And to be honest, I'm not sure I'm going to survive this one. 

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