Final Author's Note

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Omg. So hi! Thank you sooooooo much for reaching the end of this book and taking the time out of your day to read it. As my first completed book, I couldn't be happier.

Through the writing of this book, there were many problems we ran into along the way. Whether is was Wattpad's site crashing on me, shitty WiFi, edits being unsaved, or people hacking into my account to delete my story out of hate, I kept one thing in mind. And that's you guys. You all gave me the strength and the courage to continue writing this story, even when I felt like giving up. And most especially, when I had to start all over again. You guys are the reason I keep going.

A special thanks to:

DisorentedElmo / DisorientedXavier
Thank you for being there for me and giving me a shoulder to cry on. And especially thank you for letting me rant to you non stop ❤️

Thank you for always being able to put a smile on my face with the dumb jokes you tell, you've been here since the beginning and I couldn't have been more grateful.

For being the first to read what I had released so far and telling me to keep going. It's people like this that put a smile on my face.

And so, I want to leave you all with a quote:

Success comes from curiosity, concentration, perseverance, and self-criticism
~ Albert Einstein

And with that, I shall see you in the next book. Thank you for the votes, comments, shares and follows, they mean the absolute world to me.

And as always,
Stay you and always be your Badass King and Queen Selves.

I love you all ❤️

I love you all ❤️

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