Flying Into The Unknown

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Ariana's P.O.V

Ryder decided that with everything that has happened, we needed a vacation. And in all honesty, he was right, I needed some me-time. 

"You ready to go?" Ryder asks as I zip up my suitcase. 

"Yep. It's only a week, so I won't need that much stuff. Can you tell me where we're going now?" I ask. 

"Nope," he says, giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

"What? Why not?" I whine. 

"Because if I tell you then it won't be a surprise," he says, grabbing my suitcase. 

"Can't I get a hint?" I ask as we walk towards the car. 

"Nope," he says, placing our suitcases in the trunk. 

As Charlie, Ryder's personal driver drives us to the airport, I keep asking Ryder for hints as to where we were heading, but of course, he didn't give in and continued to bury himself in his phone. If being annoying and persistent wasn't going to work, then I would need a different approach. 

"Baby?" I ask seductively. 

"Hmm?" he hums, still buried in his phone. Damn it, Ryder, pay some attention to me. 

"Ryder?" I ask as I unbuckle my belt. Swinging my leg over him, I straddle him and kiss his jaw. 

"Well someone really wants my attention, huh?" he says with a chuckle. Finally putting his phone down, he crosses his arms and looks at me. 

"Yes. I like having your attention," I say. 

"If I recall correctly, you used to complain whenever I would watch you as you slept," he says. 

"That's because watching someone sleep is mad creepy," I say with a laugh. 

"So tell me, how would you like for me to give you attention?" he asks. 

"Well. You could start by placing your hands here because I like it when you touch me," I say, taking his hands and placing them on my waist. 

"Hmmm. Well, I do like where my hands are, but I feel like they would be more effective here," he says, placing his right hand on the back of my neck as his thumb grazes the side of my cheek, "So then, I could do this," he says, pulling me in for a kiss. 

Placing my hands on his shoulders, I deepen our kiss. Removing his hand from the side of my face, he places it on my waist and slides both of his hands up the side of my body. Moving his lips from mine to my neck as I grind my hips onto him. 

"Baby, if you continue, I might end up fucking you in the back of this car," he says, lust evident in his eyes. 

"Well, we wouldn't want Charlie to hear anything, now would we?" I say. 

"And you aren't exactly a quiet person," he says with a wink. 

"Well that's not exactly my fault, now is it?" I ask. 

"Actually, it is. If you, my love, weren't so hot, then jr. wouldn't need to make an appearance," he says kissing me. 

"Hmm, speaking of appearances, where is it that we're going to magically appear at the end of our flight?" I ask. 

"Easy. We're going to- wait a damn minute. You little-. You were trying to get information out of me the whole time, weren't you?" he says, realizing exactly what I was doing. Well, there goes that plan. 

"What? No. That's insane," I say, but he doesn't look convinced. 

"Baby, I love you. But I'm not telling you where we're going because it's a surprise. Now stop taking advantage of me," he says, kissing me and then lightly pushing me off him. 

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