Ahhhh! I Ship It!

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Ariana's P.O.V

Waking up to the blinding sun, I notice Ryder isn't beside me. Getting up and using the bathroom, I go on a mission to find him. Well, at least I was going to. Exiting his room, I immediately smell food and head straight to the kitchen. Something smells good.

In the kitchen, Ryder was at the stove making something. Walking up to him quietly, I wrap my arms around his torso.

"Morning, baby," I say, still a bit sleepy.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he replies.

"What are you making? Something smells yummy," I say.

"My mom's famous omelet. It's got bacon bits, cheese, peppers, potatoes, ham, and it tastes so good," he replies.

"Mmmm, that sounds delicious," I say.

"It is. It'll be done in a sec. Can you get two plates for me?" he asks.

"Sure," I reply. Grabbing two plates, I set the table and wait for Ryder to finish making the omelets.

"Here you go, m'lady," he says in a British accent.

"Oh, why thank you, kind sir," I reply. Taking a bite of the omelet, I couldn't believe I was eating this. It was so good!

"Holy fuck!" I exclaim.

"It's good, isn't it?" he asks.

"Good? Babe, this is amazing," I reply.

"Thank you. It's my mother's recipe," he replies.

"When we're done eating can you give me a ride to my place? I need to head over to work soon," I say. 

"Nooo. Why can't you spend the day with me?" he asks. 

"Because I need to work so I'm not broke, and you need to go run a company," I reply. 

"I can give you all the money you need though. You won't have to work at all. Better yet, maybe you can come work for me," he says. 

"Ryder, as fun as that sounds, I like working at the library," I say. 

"Fine," he says reluctantly. "I was also thinking that maybe you should bring some clothes over to my place. Because as hot as you look in my clothes, my sweats don't exactly fit your tiny ass self," he says with a chuckle. 

"I'll be sure to pack some things in a bag an when I come over next time, I'll leave it here," I say, finishing the rest of my omelet. 

"That was delicious. But right now, I really need a shower so I can head off to work," I say. 

"You could always stay here and shower with me," Ryder says. 

"As much as I want to, I know I will not get out that shower any time soon if you're in there. Can you please give me a ride home?" I say. 

"Yea, sure. Let me grab my keys," he says. While he goes to grab his keys, I clear the table and do the dishes. 

"You ready to go?" he asks, tossing me a pair of sweats. 

"Yepp," I say, following him out the door. 

The ride to my place was short, with small talk here and there. 

Pulling up in front of my apartment building, Ryder asks, "When am I going to see you again?"

"We can do something after work if you want," I reply. 

"What time do you get off?" he asks. 

"Six," I reply. 

"Ok. Do you think you can come over to Emerson Enterprises afterward? I've got paperwork to do till about eight, but then I'm yours," he says. 

"Yeah sounds good," I reply. 

"Alright, I'll see you then, princess," he says. 

"See you then," I reply, giving him a quick kiss and getting out his car. 

Entering my apartment, I see Ashlynn is nowhere to be found. Getting in the shower, I quickly wash myself and brush my teeth. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a hoodie, I get in my car and drive over to work. Walking in, I'm greeted by a worried Jeremiah. 

"Oh my God! You're alive. How are you feeling?" he asks. 

"I'm fine, J.J. I was just a bit under the weather, that's all," I reply. 

"Oh, ok. Boss is still- Oh my God what the fuck is that?!" J.J exclaims, pointing to my neck. Shit, I forgot to cover up the hickeys Ryder gave me. 

"Umm, uhh, nothing," I say quickly, pulling my hoodie up a bit. 

"Oh don't you nothing me, Ari. Who gave you all those hickeys? Oh my God! You weren't even sick, were you? You just wanted to stay with whoever decided to ravage your neck like that. You left me alone yesterday so you could get laid? How could you do this to me? To us? I thought we were friends," Jeremiah says, being overdramatic. 

"Stop being a drama queen. I didn't get laid. But no, I wasn't sick yesterday. I went on a date with my boyfriend," I reply. 

"Boyfriend?! Who? Since when did you have a man? Girl, stop hiding these things from me and start talking," J.J says, shaking me violently. 

"Stop shaking me for fuck's sake," I say. 

"Yes, I have a boyfriend now. And I'm not sure you're going to like who it is," I say. 

"Woman, tell me this instant," he demands. 

"It's Ryder," I reply. 

"Ryder? Ryder who? I know a few Ryder's, so you have to be specific," he says. 

"Ryder Emerson," I reply. 

"WHAT?!" he yells. 

"Can you quiet down, people are trying to read you know," I say. 

"Right. Ryder Emerson? As in the Ryder Jackson Emerson who partnered with my cousin's company not too long ago?" he asks. 

"Yeah. That's the one," I say. 

"Girl are you crazy? You're setting yourself up to get hurt there. Ryder doesn't date, he sleeps around," Jeremiah says. 

"You won't believe me when I say this, but he's changed. We haven't even slept together yet. If it was the old Ryder, we would have by now," I say. 

"Ari, you're like a sister to me. I just don't want to see you get hurt, that's all. Do you really like him?" he asks. 

"I really, really do," I reply. 

"Well, Ryder doesn't usually date people. So, if he's dating you then he must be serious about this," J.J says, just as my phone goes off, revealing I had a text from Ryder. 

Ryder ❤️: 

Baby, don't kill me when you look at my Instagram

"Pull up his Instagram right the fuck now," J.J says. 

Opening up Instagram, I go to Ryder's page and see his last post. I didn't know whether to kiss him or kill him. His last post showed a picture of me sleeping with the caption "My sleeping beauty ❤️"

"Ahh! I ship it! I totally ship you guys! Now everybody knows he's taken. Ryder really is a changed man," J.J says. liking the picture. 

Replying to his post I say, "Not only do you watch me sleep but now you're taking pictures of me sleep as well? I sure do have a creepy boyfriend ❤️" 

"I can already see it. You guys are going to get married and have so many cute babies and-," he starts. 

"Woah. Woah. Woah. Slow your roll, J.J. We just started dating, I'm not ready to have kids yet, or get married," I say. 

"Yes, you have a point there. But I'm totally calling it from now," J.J says. 

"Ok, whatever helps you sleep at night," I reply with a small laugh. 

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