Fuck It

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"Little Red, did you really think you would get away that easily?"

"Well shit," I say.

Ariana's P.O.V

"Oh Little Red, don't act so surprised. I know you saw me or at least heard my voice when I was behind you," he says turning my body around to face him.

"What do you want?" I ask. That feeling was coming back again. Intensifying with every passing second. And since we were alone, I feared what might happen.

"Oh, Little Red. There are so many things that I want, starting with you," he says. "Why did you leave? You stopped coming to the coffee shop after that day. Why?" he asks.

"Because you're no good for me. You'll only end up hurting me in the end. Whether you get tired of me or screw another girl, I'll still get hurt regardless," I say.

"Little Red, I'm hurt you think of me that way," he says.

"Well, it's true. Everyone knows you're a playboy. You use girls and then leave them. So don't act like you actually have feelings for me or something, because we all know that's a pile of bullshit," I say.

"Oh, Little Red, remember a while back I said I would prove to you that I would change? Well, I have, Little Red. I haven't slept with a girl since August. And what do you do? You don't return after I decide to touch this pretty little body of yours. Now how do you think I felt when I heard you were here with my partner's little cousin? Bad girls get punished you know. And you, my dear, have been a very bad girl leaving me like that," he says. Oh dear God.

That's why the name Maitland sounded so familiar. They're partners. Flashbacks of the news headline from August circle my brain.

"Emerson and Maitland Enterprises finally seal the deal"

"How did you know it was me?" I ask.

"Honey. Not many people dye their head that shade of red," he says matter of factly.

"Oh, yea. That's true," I say, realizing my hair color made me stand out.

"Little Red, I'm still waiting for an answer. Why did you go?" he asks.

"And I gave you an answer. You're no good for me," I say.

"Little Red, I'm a changed man now. Just give in to the temptation," he says, bringing his lips close to mine. They were right there. So close, that if I tilted my head up an inch, our lips would touch.

You've come too far to fall for this, Ari. Playboys don't change.

"No. I can't. Playboys don't change," I say.

"Gaddamn it, Ariana! Why can't you just give me a chance?" he says, slamming his hand against the wall.

"Ariana? You've never called me that before. Why are you so mad that I don't want to sleep with you?" I ask.

"So you do like the nickname I've given you. You just pretend to hate it," he says. 

"Wha-no," I say, failing to convince him that I didn't. 

"You really think all I want is to sleep with you? Do you really think that lowly of me?" he asks, pacing back and forth.

"Of course that's all you want. you're the infamous Ryder Jackson Emerson. Known for sleeping with girls and leaving them the next day. So yes, I do think that lowly of you. Once a fuckboy, always a fuckboy. There's no changing that," I say.

"Little Red," he starts, but I cut him off.

"No. If you and I ever did it, it would all just be sex to you. In two days you'll have found another girl," I say.

"Fucking hell, Little Red. Why must you make things so complicated? I don't chase girls. They chase after me. Obviously, you mean something to me, or else I wouldn't be here right now," he says.

"This is all part of your twisted game. You'll chase after me until I fall for you. And when we do do it, you'll tell me I'm a good fuck, and then toss me to the side and screw another girl. I'm not about that. I don't want to be used, Ryder. But that's all you do, you use girls for your sexual pleasure," I say.

"What part of I have changed did you not understand?" he asks.

"And what part of fuckboys don't change did you not understand?" I ask.

"Don't deny your feelings for me. I know they're there. I know you feel something towards me, and it isn't hate or resentment," he says.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say.

"Oh really. Let me jog your memory then," he says, walking over to me and placing his hands on my hips.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Reminding you of how I make you feel," he says, bringing his face close to mine. He trails his right hand up my side, to my neck, and then drags his thumb down my bottom lip, just like he did that day in the coffee shop.

"Ryder," I say in a shaky breath.

"Shhh, Little Red. I know you're enjoying this," he says, bringing his lips to my neck and sucking slowly. He was right. I was enjoying this. Way more than I should. I don't want him to stop. I don't want him to ever stop.

"Jesus Christ, Ryder," I breathe out.

"Are you still trying to tell me you don't feel anything when I touch you like this? That I'm not driving you insane by touching this beautiful body of yours the way that I am?" he asks. "Tell me, how much do you love it? How much do you love the way I touch you?" he asks, eyes piercing into my soul.

"Answer me," he says, giving my neck a light squeeze when I don't answer.

"Fucking hell, Ryder. You know I love it so much when you touch me," I say.

"Then why won't you give in?" he asks, bringing his lips back to my neck.

"You'll hurt me," I say.

"I won't," he replies.

"You might," I say.

"Just give in, Little Red," he says resting his forehead against mine.

"I shouldn't," I say.

"But you so badly want to," he replies.

"I do so badly want to give in," I say.

"Then give in," he says looking at me. And at this very moment, I couldn't deny it anymore. I wanted him. I needed him.

"Fuck it," I say smashing my lips into his.

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