Without You

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Ariana's P.O.V

Walking out of my room, I take a shower, brush my teeth, and put on my clothes. Ashlynn was already in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Morning," I say, sitting at the table.

"Morning my horny best friend," Ashlynn says.

"Shut up," I reply, tossing a grape into my mouth.

'You know, I'm all for self-pleasure and all that, but next time, keep it down a bit," she says, instantly making me turn red. "Oh no need to blush, we all do it. I'm just saying, keep it down next time," she says.

"Yes ma'am," I say.

"Oh, and this is your coffee. I went out early to get it so it would be hot and ready by the time you woke up," she says, taking my coffee out of the microwave.

"Thank you, love. It means a lot to me that you're doing this for me," I say. I truly was grateful for her at this very moment. I don't know if I would be able to get over Ryder alone.

"It's no problem, Ari. I just don't want you getting hurt, that's all," she says. "Now eat up," she says, putting a plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes in front of me. I don't know the last day I ever had breakfast before work. Usually, it was an apple on the way to the coffee shop and then coffee with Ryder.

Gosh, I miss him a lot. But I need this. I can't fall for a guy like him. It'll only hurt me in the end.

After eating breakfast, I get dressed for work. It was a bit chilly today, so I decided to wear my gray sweatshirt and black jeans with my converse. (As seen above)

It felt weird, not going to the coffee shop. Focus, Ariana. Focus. If you want this to work, you have to focus.

This was going to be hard. I could already tell. But it's all about will power. Right?

As long as I don't think about him, I'll be fine. We got this, Ari. We got this.

Parking my car, I walk into the library and am greeted with a smiling Jeremiah.

"Well someone is in a good mood," I say.

"Hell yea. We got a new shipment of Stephen King books. I was hoping we could sample them together. You know. Make sure they are people material if you know what I mean," he says.

You see, Jeremiah is like me. Stephen King is our favorite author. We get each other. I consider him my guy best friend. Because even though Ashlynn has no idea why I like Stephen King, no one could replace her.

"Oh you know we are. When and where? Because I think boss would get mad if he sees us not putting them on shelves and reading them instead," I say. It was true though. Our boss tells us to buy our own books instead of taking them from the library.

"Valid point. How about we stack them on the shelves, but whichever one we want to read we hide somewhere. One book each though. If we take more it'll be noticeable that they're missing," he says.

"Alright, deal," I say grabbing the boxes of books and heading to the bookcases. One by one, I take the books out, looking at each of them to see if I hadn't read any of them. But being the fangirl that I am, I've read all of them. But then, one of them catches my eye.

"The Institute"

Luke Ellis is a child prodigy as well as a boy with mild telekinetic abilities. One night, he's taken from his home and finds himself in the hands of The Institute, a sinister and ruthless government organization who has been kidnapping kids for their telekinetic and telepathic abilities.

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