I Really Fucking Love You

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Ryder's P.O.V 

"N-no?" she says in disbelief, clearly hurt. "Look, if-if this is about the whole expectations thing, I-I take it back. I-,"

"No, no, no, no, no. That's not what it is at all, baby," I say. 

"Then-then what is it?" she asks. 

"I'm not going to fuck you for one reason. When you fuck someone, it's rough and at times, can be meaningless. I don't want you thinking that this is some meaningless act. I don't want this to be rough. I want it to be gentle and filled with love. I want to show you how much I love you. Don't get me wrong, I plan on fucking you senseless soon, but right here, right now? I plan on making love to you instead. That is, if you'll let me," I say, looking into her chocolate brown eyes. Smiling, she nods her head and I bring my lips back to hers, kissing her softly. 

Taking her top off, I slowly kiss down the side of her jaw and take my shirt off. Getting to her neck, I leave an endless amount of hickeys as she moans my name. Reaching for my belt buckle, I break our kiss to take my slacks off, then get back to kissing her. With my right hand, I take her bra off, tossing it to the ground. Playing with her left nipple, I kiss down her chest till I get to the right, lightly sucking on it. 

"Fuck, Ryder," she moans, grinding her hips onto mine. 

While still licking and sucking, I take my right hand and slide it gently down her body and between her legs. Kissing down her body, I take off her jeans, leaving her in her panties. 

"You're so fucking beautiful," I say, looking at her. 

Teasing her a bit, I rub her through them and then toss them to the ground as well. Kissing the inside of her thighs, I bring my mouth to her dripping core, enjoying her moans. 

"Oh my God," she says, gripping the bedsheets as she grinds on my face. "Fucking hell, don't stop," she says as I slip a finger into her, causing her to bring one hand to my hair to tug on it. 

"You taste so fucking good, baby," I say with a smile, rhythmically pumping my middle finger in and out of her. Adding another finger, I pick up my pace. 

"H-holy sh-shit," she exclaims, curling her toes. "F-fuck, Ryder. I'm g-gonna-," she starts. 

"Cum on my tongue, baby," I say, cutting her off. Curling my two fingers inside of her, I send her over the edge. 

"Ryder," she screams, as she squirts all over my face. 

"That's right, baby. Scream my name. Let all the neighbors know who you belong to," I say, kissing back up her body and to her lips. 

Ariana's P.O.V

"That's right, baby. Scream my name. Let all the neighbors know who you belong to," he says, kissing back up my body to get to my lips. 

Flipping us over, I kiss down his jaw and neck, leaving a few hickeys. Kissing down his chiseled chest, I take off his boxers and throw them across the room. 

"Eager, huh?" he says with a small laugh. 

"Shut up," I say, taking his dick in my hand, causing him to sigh in pleasure. 

Kissing the tip of his dick, I slowly run my tongue up in down it, swirling my tongue around the tip as well, and then take as much of him as I can in my mouth. Bobbing my head up slowly at first but then getting a bit faster each time. 

"Fuck, Little Red. Just like that," he says. Taking a fistful of my hair, he fucks my mouth. 

 Taking him out of my mouth, I kiss back up his chest while I continue to move my hand up and down his rock hard shaft as I kiss him on the lips. Flipping us over once again, he stops kissing me and looks at me. 

"You're completely sure?" he asks. 

"I'm sure," I say, nodding my head. 

"If it hurts too much, you tell me to stop ok?" he says. 

"I will," I say, as he takes his dick in his hand and places it at my entrance. 

As he slides in, I grip his biceps. "Do you want me to stop?" he asks worriedly. 

"No, no. Keeping going. It doesn't hurt as much anymore," I reply. 

"Are you sure? Because I'll st-," he starts, but I cut him off by kissing him. 

"I'm sure, babe," I reply when I pull away from our kiss. Sliding in and out at a slow pace, I throw my head back in pleasure as he ravishes my neck. "Fuck, you're so tight, baby," he says, going a bit faster. 

"Fuck, Ryder, go faster," I say as I bring my lips to his. Picking up his pace, I feel myself getting closer to the edge. All you could hear from Ryder's room was our moans and the skin to skin contact. 

"Fuck, baby. Right there. Don't fucking stop," I say as he continues to slam into me. "Oh my God, I'm gonna cum," I breathe out. 

"Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my dick," he says as he slams into me, sending me over the edge as I scream his name. 

As I finish, he pulls out of me and cums on my chest, collapsing beside me afterward. Taking my finger, I suck his cum off of my fingers, smiling at how good he tastes. 

"That-that was amazing," I say, looking at him with a big smile. 

"You're amazing," he replies, giving me a light kiss on my lips. "I really fucking love you," he says when he pulls away. 

"I really fucking love you too," I say as I lay my head on his chest. 

Call me crazy, but I'm really starting to think that he might be "the one". He makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. When I'm with him, everything else disappears. Man, I really fucking love him. 

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