You're Abusive

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Two Week Time Skip 

Ariana's P.O.V

It's Christmas morning people. The one morning out of the whole year when I actually feel like getting up. Ashlynn had gone back down to Miami to be with her family and because she was sick and tired of the cold. J.J had flown home to Chicago to be with his mom and dad for the holidays as well. Which leaves me here, curled up in a ball, snuggled up next to Ryder. 

"Baby. Baby. Baby. Baby. Wake up," I say, shaking Ryder slightly. 

"Five more minutes, princess," he says.

"Nooo. Not five more minutes. It's Christmas. So wake your ass up," I reply, shaking him once more. 

"Five more minutes," he whines, turning over. 

Grabbing a pillow, I proceed to straddle Ryder and hit him in the face while saying, "Wake. The. Fuck. Up,"

"You're abusive," Ryder says, finally opening his eyes to look at me. 

"I am no such thing. I'm just trying to get you to wake up," I say. 

"Yes. By abusing me," he replies. 

"You should've woken up then," I say. 

"And you shouldn't have hit me with a pillow," he says, flipping us over and tickling me. 

"Nooo. M-mercy! M-mercy!" I say laughing. 

"You caused this on yourself, Little Red," he replies, continuing to tickle the life out of me. 

"I'll d-do anything. S-stop tickling m-me," I manage to get out. 

"Anything?" he asks, stopping immediately. 

"Within reason," I add. 

"Quit your job and come work for me," he says. 

"I'm not doing that," I reply. 

"Why not?" he asks. 

"Because. That library is like my home. I never, ever want to leave it," I say. 

"But working for me would mean I get to see you all day," he says. 

"I know, baby. But even if I did work for you, what the hell would I do? I don't know the first thing about working for a large enterprise like yours," I reply. 

"Yeah, that is true," he says. 

"Can we go open the presents now?" I ask. 

"Yeah, let's go," he says, getting off of me. 

Running downstairs, I see our Christmas tree with multiple presents underneath it. "We have to take a picture in front of the tree," I say. Did I mention we were in matching onesies? No? Oh, well now you know. 

"Gosh, you are such a child," Ryder says with a chuckle. 

"Shut up," I say with a small laugh. 

"Never. Now smile baby," he says, as I stand in front of the tree. 

"Ok, now you come and join me," I say, pulling him towards me. Looking at the camera, I smile while Ryder kisses me on the cheek. For the next picture, I turn my body towards him and kiss him back. 

"Ok, presents time!" I say, pulling away and running towards the tree. 

"Open this one first," Ryder says, handing me a small square box. Ripping the wrapping paper off, I open the box to see a nameplate with Ryder's name imprinted on it and a note saying: 

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