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Ariana's P.O.V

Walking into my shared apartment, I see my best friend Ashlynn sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand.

"Hey, bitch!" she says, not taking her eyes off the T.V.

"Hey, girl!" I say.

"How was work?" she asks.

"Good. I met a cute little boy named Jayden. He gave his mother a heart attack by running away into the library." I say.

"Aww. He's going to turn into a bookworm. Just like you," she says.

"Maybe. Being a bookworm isn't the worst thing in the world you know," I say.

"True," she says.

"Are we celebrating something?" I ask, pointing to the glass of wine in her hand.

"Nope. Just needed a drink," she says.

"I feel ya," I say.

"Something else happen?" she asks.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it," I say, sitting next to her.

"No. You tell me now woman," she says, hitting me with a pillow.

"Fine," I say with a groan.

"Yay!" she says, pouring me some wine.

"Thanks. Anyways, while I was leaving the coffee shop this morning, this really hot guy bumped into me but turned out to be a jerk. He was all like 'watch it' when he bumped into me, not the other way around. Gosh, I'm just being petty. It's not like I'm going to see him again anyway," I say.

"Girl, you're not being petty. He's just an ass. No matter how hot he was, he should have said 'sorry' at least. If you see this guy again, let me know, we can beat his ass together," she says with a laugh.

"We most definitely will," I say laughing with her.

Giving me a serious look she says, "Girl you know I ain't playing. You fuck with my best friend, you know I'm gonna fuck with you. Remember 11th grade? Johnny Burr? Punk was taking your food every day and tripping you in the hallways. As soon as I gave him that busted lip and a black eye, you know he cut that shit right the fuck out. Don't think I ain't gonna do the same to this asshat."

"Ash, I know. Relax. I doubt I'll see him again anyway," I say.

"You better not. Because if you do, I'm gonna fuck a boy up. When I tell you Imma fuck him up, I mean Imma fuck him up," Ash says.

"Yes, ma'am. Now watch your show," I say. As soon as her show ended, the news came on.

"Oh look, it's the asshole from the coffee shop," I say, sipping my wine again.


"I said, it's the asshole from the cof-," I start, only to get cut off by Ashlynn again.

"Bitch, I heard you! Him?! That's the guy you bumped into at the coffee shop?" she practically screams.

"Umm, yes. And could you stop screaming? My ears are going to bleed if you continue." I say.

"Sorry. I'm just- how in the hell- I'm shook," she says.

"I'm lost," I say confused.

"Oh my God. You see what happens when you bury your head in a book all damn day," she says shaking her head "That's Ryder Jackson Emerson. THE hottest guy to EVER walk on this earth. And he's hella rich as well. I would kill to get that close to him. Oh my God! I have loads of questions!" she says.

"Ash-," I start, only to get caught off again.

"Was he hella built? Like did you feel his abs through his suit? What did he smell like? Vanilla? Lavender? Strawberries? Or like really, really manly? OMG! What was he wearing? Did he look hot as fuck in his suit? Wait, that's a dumb question, of course, he looked ho-," she rambles on and on.

"Ash! Calm the fuck down!" I say shaking her.

"Sorry, sorry. He's just so fucking hot. Like look at him!" she says pointing to the T.V that no longer had his image up. "Damn it, they moved onto the next story already," she says.

"Well duh. the world doesn't revolve around Mr. I'm So Special over there," I say.

"True. But c'mon. You can't tell me he's not hot," she says, taking another sip of her wine.

"Ehh, he's alright," I say taking a sip of mine.

"Alright? ALRIGHT?! Woman are you blind?" Ash yells hitting me with a pillow.

"No, I'm not blind. I have 20/20 vision. I just don't think he's all that," I say to her.

You're such a liar

Shut up, I don't think she can tell.

"Oh my God. Stop trying to lie. You suck at it. I can see by that blush you think he's more than 'alright'," she says.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say, turning away from her.

"Oh my God. You're trying to turn away so I don't see that blush of yours," she says turning my face towards her. "Someone has a crush" she sings.

"I most definitely do not have a crush. He's an inconsiderate jerk," I say.

"Mhmm. Keep telling yourself that," she says.

"I'm telling you the truth. I do not think he is attractive in any way, shape, or form," I say firmly.

"Ok, hun. Whatever helps you sleep at night," she says, sipping her wine once more. "You guys would look cute together though,"

"Ashlynn," I say dragging her name out.

"What? I'm just saying," she says

"Sometimes, I question why you're my best friend," I say sipping my wine.

"Because you love me and would die without me," she says, laying her head on my lap.

"Yea, that's true," I say.

Ryder's P.O.V

"Baby, congrats on finally closing the deal," Amelia says as she reads the headline on the news.

"Emerson and Maitland Enterprises finally seal the deal" it reads.

"Thanks," I say nonchalantly.

"We should celebrate," she says walking over to me.

"Yes. We should. Now, less talking, more fucking," I say throwing her on the bed. And even though I fucked Amelia senseless that night, I couldn't get that red-headed girl from the coffee shop out of my head.

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