I'm Going To Kill Her

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5 months, and yes, a lot of sex later...

Ariana's P.O.V

It's been 5 months. 5 months of mood swings, fatigue, and endless amounts of Nutella. The morning sickness thankfully went away once I was 14 weeks in. With every appointment, more and more information was given to me and Ryder. Let me catch you up to speed. 

At 13 weeks, the baby is beginning to make urine and release it into the amniotic sac, making amniotic fluid. Yes, that's right. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid and then urinates it back into the amniotic sac, making amniotic fluid. Also, its bones are beginning to harden in its skeleton, especially in the head and long bones. Lastly, the baby's skin is still thin and transparent, but it will start to thicken soon. At 14 weeks, our baby's neck has become more defined and the lower limbs are well-developed. Red blood cells are forming in its spleen. I haven't been back since I was at 13 weeks, so today we'll find out if it's a boy or girl.  At 15 weeks, it's still mostly just bone development and some hair. 

At 16 weeks, our baby's head is erect. His or her eyes can slowly move and the ears are close to reaching their final position. Additionally, the baby's limb movements are becoming coordinated. At 17 weeks, our baby is becoming more active in the amniotic sac, rolling and flipping. His or her heart is pumping about 100 pints of blood each day. At 18 weeks in, our baby's ears begin to stand out on the sides of his or her head. The eyes are beginning to face forward and his or her's digestive system has started working. At 19 weeks, the greasy, cheeselike coating called vernix caseosa begins to cover our baby. The vernix caseosa helps protect your baby's delicate skin from abrasions, chipping, and hardening that can result from exposure to amniotic fluid. If it's a girl, the uterus and vaginal canal are forming. Lastly, in week 20, I started to feel a lot more movement because he or she is regularly sleeping and waking. He or she might be awakened by noises or movements.

Which brings us to now, 21 weeks in. This is when the baby is completely covered with a fine, downy hair called lanugo. The lanugo helps hold the vernix caseosa on the skin. Additionally, the sucking reflex also is developing, enabling our baby to suck his or her thumb.

Like I said before, I haven't been back to the doctor since I was 13 weeks, I only know this because I did a lot of reading. And when I say I did a lot of reading, I mean I did a lot of reading. hell, I think I'm qualified to be a doctor now if I'm honest. 

Leaving work early, I drive over to Ryder's building to see if he's ready to get to our appointment since he insisted on not missing any of them. Especially since he almost missed our 8 weeks check-up in which we heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time, which brought both of us to tears. 

Ryder's P.O.V

Currently, I was finishing up some paperwork because Ari and I had an appointment to get to in an hour. I'm really excited that I'm going to be a dad, to be honest. But I think I'm more worried than Ari when it comes to wondering if I'm going to be a good parent. All was well in the world until the bitch I address as mother decided to show up. 

"Mother. What could you possibly want now?" I ask. 

"Honey, is that any way to speak to your mother?" she asks. 

"The title of 'mother' shouldn't be given to someone like you," I reply. 

"Oh honey, I didn't do anything wrong to you though. I don't understand why you act this way towards me," she says. 

"You ruined our family mom. You cheated on dad and then decided to marry the bastard after you divorced dad. You sent dad into a depression and allowed him to damage himself. If I wasn't mature enough, who would have taken care of Molly? Certainly not you since all you cared about was getting some," I say. 

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