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Jennie -

"Alright buddy let's get you home" Jisoo helped me carry L while we dragged her outside the karaoke bar.

All eyes were on us as we exited the room. I stared at L and she was sleeping peacefully. I smiled at the sight of her serenity.

Jisoo carefully positioned her boss at the backseat and I held her sleepy head, careful not to bump in the car.

I can't help but feel lucky to be able to touch her long blonde hair. It was so soft - I even felt jealous for her smooth and silky hair.

How does she take care of her hair anyway?

I hope she can share it with me someday.

"All set. Please go inside and help me bring her home." I was pulled away from my thoughts when Jisoo pushed me inside the car. I sat beside L while her head fell down on my shoulder once again as soon as Jisoo started the engine.

"What about her car?" I asked Jisoo as we passed L's black Maserati parked at the side of the road.

"Mino will pick up her car don't worry. That devil beside you will definitely kill me if I leave her baby there. Hahaha!!" Her laughter filled the car and I quickly glanced at the sleeping L beside me just to make sure that she wasn't awakened by Jisoo's laughter.

Feeling a pair of eyes watching me, I smiled at Jisoo when I noticed her looking at me from the rear view mirror.

"Her car is not an option anyway because that selfish brat only drives a two seater sports car." She scoffs.

I scanned the sleeping L beside me. I didn't know that a person this beautiful even exists. Even at slumber, she looks perfectly dashing. I flushed at the sight of her collarbone.

Why does she wear her polo with two buttons undone all the time?

That should be illegal! I am forced to commit sin!

I must cleanse my eyes as soon as I go home because I am peeping at a woman who probably has the same set of body parts as mine.

"You like the view?" flustered with the fact that I was caught red handed by Jisoo, I didn't have the strength to answer.

"Oh don't worry! I am so used to girls ogling over that little devil's body" Jisoo teased.

"N-no I wa-wasn't looking at her body in th-that w-way. I was just checking if she's okay!" I defended while mentally scolding myself for stuttering.

"You know you're obvious when you lie. You look like a tomato now" Jisoo continued teasing and I bowed my head in defeat.

"Don't worry, she will be fine. She's a heavy sleeper when vodka invades her system" Jisoo smiled at me and I nodded while still hiding my face from embarrassment.

"Good thing she drank Vodka because if it was whisky, that will be a big problem for us" I looked at Jisoo with a puzzled look.

"She becomes the devil itself when whisky takes over her body. You don't want to be around her when that happens" I glanced at her while I question myself if it really is possible to be so perfectly beautiful despite being a cold hearted person.

I guess it is possible if it's her.

We arrived in front of a large mansion.

"Is this where she lives?" I stared at the white mansion in front of us. My mouth went agape as Jisoo nodded answering my obvious question.

We were greeted by maids in uniform and a butler.

"Please help me carry your devil master to her bedroom and escort this lady to one of the guestrooms." Jisoo asked and a brunette came into view gesturing me to walk with her but I can't help but disagree.

"Oh! No need to bother please, I'll be going home now. I need to go home to my siblings" Jisoo eyed me while still holding sleeping L. She sighed in defeat.

"Fine. Mino, please make sure to bring her home safe" I was surprised to see Mino standing beside me. I didn't even notice he arrived. He nodded and gestured me to follow him. I looked at L for the last time tonight and I smiled as Jisoo nodded at me.

"I'll take care of this devil don't worry." She smirked at me and once again I blushed.

I woke up early the next day.

"Hmm!! I smell food!" I chuckled when V went to the kitchen while sniffing.

"Is that porridge?!" Nayeon arrived with Ella hugging on her legs like a koala. I smiled at them and nodded while pouring some on the Tupperware.

"Eat before going to school alright? Sister needs to go to work now" I kissed them one by one on their foreheads and they all chuckled.

Lisa -

Ugh. WTF happened? My head is throbbing.

I forcefully open my eyes as I drag my body out the bed. I massaged my temples as I try to remember what happened last night.

Slowly, my memories came flashing one by one starting with Jisoo pissing me off, the stupid silly game we played, me finishing a bottle of alcohol, my head resting on Jennie's shoulder.

Jennie's shoulder!

I shot my eyes open and I cringed as I saw Jisoo comfortably sitting on my sofa with a huge grin plastered on her smug face.

"If you're looking for your woman, she went home after helping me drop you here last night." Jisoo said while she drinks her cup of coffee. She's already in her business attire.

"Why are you even here this early?"

"Just making sure you're still alive." She stood up and my heart skipped realizing what I drank last night.

"Did I drink whisky?!" I shouted at Jisoo -

Afraid that Jennie might've seen me berserk with whiskey.

"Relax! It was just vodka - "

Thank God it wasn't whisky.

"So you were an angel last night and not the little devil you are. Hahaha!" I threw a pillow on her face.

"GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled at her.

I went inside the bathroom and showered. The hot water helped me ease the pain in my head.

As soon as I close my eyes, I see Jennie sitting beside me while my head is resting on her shoulders.

Even in my memory of last night -

I felt safe, for the first time.


AN: double update for Jenlisa day!

Happy 23rd guys!

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