Under the sun

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Lisa -

"You've been hiding in your room since we came here Limario. You have to at least bond with your employees. I thought we agreed to this?" I continued to ignore Jisoo who's been trying her best to convince me and get my ass out from the bed.

I shouldn't have joined at the first place. Seeing how Jennie looked at me made me realize how weak I am. She was wearing a simple white dress that made her look so pure and innocent. I hate myself for wanting to rip off that damn dress and kiss her!

Why am I longing to kiss her?!

Kissing is for those that are inlove!

I am not one of those!

should never be!

But her lips were so inviting! Her pink lips were always so tempting. I wanted to taste her strawberry glossed lips and see what it would feel against mine.


I threaded my hair frustrated as I paced back and forth in my room. Her confession still lingers in my mind and it makes me want to rip my heart out my chest from pounding so hard every time she's near me.

"Can you please stay in one place! You're making me feel dizzy by watching you pace back and forth" Jisoo was sitting at the edge of my bed.

I forgot that she's here.

"Then get the hell out if you don't want to see me pacing around my own fucking room" I scowled.

"Oh c'mon! We did not come here just for you to sit and lay your ass down the bed! Come outside and join the group. Please? Jennie has been looking for you all day"

The mention of her name changed my mind.

"Fine! But don't expect me to swim or anything that has to do with the water because I'm not gonna go that far and you know that!"

"I know I know! Now let's get your lazy ass outside!"

As soon as we arrived at the beachside, I wanted to go back inside and doze off. The boys we're playing volleyball under the scorching sun.

Fuck! It's so hot in here!

I unbottoned my shirt all the way down when someone touched my arm.

"Hey" I snapped my head to the side.

Out of all the people I don't want to spend time with, it's got to be her.

"What do you need Nancy?" She's wearing a black set of bathing suit. Not to lie but she has an amazing body. I've already seen everything behind those tiny piece of fabric she's wearing.

"Don't you miss me?" she seductively whispered.

"No" I nonchalantly said.

Unfortunately, when I was in college, Nancy was on the list of my playtime girls. I hated my father so much that I rebelled to that extent. I played with girls but never let them kiss me. Just casual sex all the time.

"Oh C'mon, I know you do Lis" She lazily dragged her fingers on my toned stomach. I gripped her wrist and shove it away.

"You have no right to touch me and never call me Lis ever again" I growled at her and walked away.

"You do know that Nancy hates Jennie right?" Jisoo asked as I plopped down the beach chair right next to her.

"No one really likes Nancy and her bitchy attitude" I answered as I closed my eyes trying to find serenity in the middle of the scorching heat.

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