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So today is the last day of this book.
Sorry to keep you waiting guys because I had to rewrite the ending and make a new one.

Hope you'll love it.

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Jennie -

Warm chest, I was snuggled against Lisa's bare chest and her tiny snores made her look normal.

I missed her, I missed this.

In her sleep, she looks more like the Lisa I fell inlove with. Over and over we made love from dusk until dawn, she gave me orgasms and kissed every inch of me - making up to the lost time we had.

I carefully slid off the bed and she's still sleeping like the dead. I place one light kiss on her lips before I straighten up and step away.

I was about to look for my clothes when memories of her ripping them apart last night made me blush. I reached for her drawer and grabbed one shirt. I'm pretty sure she won't mind if I wear it anyway.

Oh God, I missed wearing her shirts.

The last shirt of Lisa that I wore was the time I run away from her and I still keep it inside my drawers and hug it at night whenever I miss her.

I grab my shoes and tip-toed out of the bedroom so I don't wake her up. I left her a note in the fridge and made her some breakfast before leaving. I take the elevator down and then grab a cab.

When I open the door to our home, the twins come flying out of their room with Ella on V's back. I texted them last night that Lisa and I went for a talk to sort things out and they kept on blowing up my phone since then.

"Did your talk last 24 hours Jen?" V asks with a sly smile. I think I know what their thinking.

"So?" Nayeon wiggles her eyebrows.

"We're okay, I think" I admit and doubted at the end.

"Sure? We don't want to see you crying again –"

She's cut off when there's a knock on the door.

We all looked at each other in confusion since we were not expecting anyone in particular.

Did Lisa follow me home?

Opening the door, my blood drains down from my face. Before I can open my mouth to ask what he's doing in my home, he turned to the side and gave way to the man I've been running away from.

"Hello Ms Kim. Sorry for the early intrusion" Mr. Manoban explains and my heart speeds up.

"Please, let my siblings go. They have nothing to do with all of these- "

Lisa -

3 days.

It's been three fucking days since Jennie called me and told me she had to fix a few things first.

I don't know why but my mind is going crazy with all the thoughts that she might leave me again. But she promised me that she won't and assured me she'll be back.

I tried to contact my father a few times to see if he did something stupid again to make Jennie leave but he won't answer my calls.

Stupid old man.

For some reason after I got back and we had that talk - I'm not afraid of him anymore. Because I know that I will do everything I can to keep Jennie by my side no matter what and he's probably aware of that already.

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