chapter 3

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The date was at a restaurant on the pier. It was extremely beautiful, you had to walk on the pier to the restaurant so it was kinda a bridge you could say and in the water there were lights and you could see fishes swimming. We got into the restaurant and the waiter asked for our reservation and gave us our seat which was close to the water and here also we could see fishes swimming.

"This place is beautiful Bryan." I looked up at him and gave him a smile. He returned the gesture back and gave a small kiss on my hand that was wrestling on the table. 

"I'm glad you like it babe" The waiter arrived and we gave him our orders.

 "So how's it going with you, Rosie?" he gives me a wink.

 "I've been fine I guess." 

 "We both know what fine means, you can tell me Rose I don't want you to be fine or OK I want you to be good so please sweetheart tell me." It almost came out like he was begging me to tell him.

"Well we are on a date and I don't want to be complaining or getting annoyed by the things I got to say. So it would be better if we spoke about it some other time." 

 "No Rose, its okay, tell me what happened." His eyes are filled with curiosity and I gave in and decided to tell him because you can't say no to those beautiful dark brown eyes.

 "Well...Uhm... I guess I can start by saying that my dad wants me to go to therapy but I clearly don't want to because of many reasons and he is also going on a business trip which will take longer than usual maybe 2 months or less and he is leaving me with Ian and I am not really looking forward to that." I said quickly for me not make such a big deal about because we were on a date and I didn't want to ruin it by complaining the whole night.

 "Oh wow...yeah... that sucks," he said trying to find the right thing to say.

 "Yeah, I know" I gave him an I TOLD YOU SO look.

 "So how about you, how's it going?" I said to not have the spotlight on me. 

 "Well, I've been good. School and everything is going alright. My mom finally settled in for divorce last week because she couldn't take it anymore. She thought that maybe if everything was going good at home my dad wouldn't keep having the affair with that woman but it didn't go like my mom planned so she settled for the divorce and I find that it is for the best because they were constantly fighting and even though I could stand it but Jamie couldn't so it's better like this I guess." He rubbed the back of his neck not sure what to say so he gave me a small smile when he finished talking.

It was sad that his parents were getting divorced but the things he told me that they would fight every second of the day and that they couldn't even have a conversation without it turning into a fight between them. Also that his dad was or still is having an affair and how his mom found out was really shocking to me. I guess I was so shocked because when my mom was still alive, my parents never had those type of problems, yes they did fight. Which married couple doesn't fight! But it never got to the point that they would go to bed still mad at each other they always tried to make it work. Poor Jamie, Bryan's a 6-year-old little sister. She is the sweetest and nicest thing ever.  Bryan and I use to babysit her sometimes and it was a lot of fun. Sad to think that she has to experience this at such a young age and not really knowing what's happening. Like which, 6 years old knows what an affair means... Or getting a divorce.

 "Yeah, maybe it is for the best," I lightly squeeze his hand. 

 "And if something ever happens and your mom wouldn't want you or Jamie around at that moment you know you guys can always come over at my place." I gave him a reassuring smile.

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