chapter 12

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I roll over and cuddle into Ian's chest.

 "Morning beautiful" he says in a groggy voice and wraps me in his arms kissing my hair. I kiss him and the lips and he smiles, his eyes still closed. 

 "Wake up sleepy head" I kiss him once more and poke his nose and try to open his eyes. I eventually roll over and take my phone; I open my snap and start to snap Ian. I want to post it on my story but then I realized I can't, people can't find out about us. The only person that knows is Tyler, well that's the only person I told. I decide to just send the snap to Tyler and caption it 

"morning like these👅💦." I put my phone back on the nightstand and look up at Ian. 

God he's so handsome. I wish it could stay like this forever but sadly there is a thing called school which ruins every teenagers morning. I get up and go into Ian's bathroom; it's like twice the size of mine. Why would he need such a big bathroom anyway? I pull my hair in a bun and head in the shower. When I finish I wrap a towel around me and brush my teeth and put on some lotion, I turn around and see Ian leaning against the door frame smirking. I look at him and roll my eyes 

 "how long have you been standing there?" I ask and continue to lotion my legs.

 "Long enough to get me turned on." He says seductively and comes and wraps his arms around my waist from behind. 

 "Gosh you smell amazing" he starts to kiss me from my neck to my shoulder. 

 "Well it is your soap." I say sarcastically and walk away. 

 "That attitude is gonna get you in trouble." He says looking at me annoyed but with a hint of humor. 

 "What would you do?" I say teasingly and remove my towel revealing my naked body. I walk out and head to my room and get dressed. As I put on my pants he enters, 

 "what the hell was that?" 

 "You're not the only one that can tease" I start to put on my makeup and look at him.

 "Besides you can't do anything" I smirk at him.

 "Is that so?" He says coming closer.

 "Yes" I said with a big smile, "

 "I have to be at school and I'm already running late."I finish applying my mascara, take my school bag and look at Ian. 

 "Bye Baby" I kissed him on the lips and head downstairs.

It was time to face the sad reality that we call school. It has been even worse to see Dylan; he doesn't even look at me anymore. But would you blame him after what I did to him. We don't have any projects together anymore; we decided to do it on our own. Everyone knows that we broke up, no one had to say anything I guess just the fact that we don't even acknowledge each other present anymore says enough. School goes by slowly. I walk out my last class at 2:15 and head outside where I see Ian's car parked. I get a huge smile on my face and walk to the car. 

 "Hey baby" I get in and kiss his lips. 

 "How was school princess?" He places his hand on my thigh and squeezes lightly. 

 "Well you know the usual." I smile at him. 

 "How was work?"

 "The usual." He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. 

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