chapter 4

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As I stare at him still in shock wondering how long he has been standing there. I must have made a fool out of myself while dancing. My thoughts remind me.

 "Morning" I mumbled trying to contain my cheeks from getting even redder if that is even possible.

 I put my music on pause and continue with making my blueberry pancakes. 

 "How was your date last night? You guys have fun?" 

 "U-Uhm yeah... we had fun." I stuttered not sure what he meant with fun but we all know what he meant by it.

 "Cool, so I'm guessing he's upstairs?" A smirk appears on his face.

 I almost choked on my water when he said that. Why am I all of a sudden so nervous around him? Pull it together Rose! 

"N-no...He j-just dropped-d me off-f." I keep on stuttering. Good going Rose! Seriously what is up with me this morning! 

"Then who's the guy sleeping in your room?" His eyes are full of amusement and curiosity.

 "What? Nooo, that's Tyler. H-he is just a friend." I defend myself and try not to stutter that much.

 "Hmm just friends, huh?" The same smirk appears on his face.

I was wrong. My face can turn even redder. I quickly say yes and ask if he wants pancakes as I flip them over. 

 "Why are you here anyway?" he chuckles which makes me smile.

"Well your dad and I came home late last night and we were too wasted....well at least I was so your dad said why not stay here.

" After 15 min I've made about 20 fluffy blueberry pancakes. I place 2 on my plate and 3 on Ian's. When my dad and Tyler wake up they'll be hungry and there is enough to fill their stomach.

"Don't you have a huge headache right now? After getting 'wasted'? "

 "Yeah, I do." His index fingers rubbing his temples in circling motion.

"Well, that teaches you to not get wasted." My tongue sticking out in a playful way. Oh my God, what is happening to me!?

 "Yeah but like usual it won't and I will keep on doing it." He chuckles his finger still rubbing his temples. 

 "Do you want some Advil? It helps with headaches."

 "Yes please."

 I search for Advil in the upper cabinet but because I'm so short I can't see anything. I stretch my body as much as possible and stand on the tip of my toes. I feel his eyes staring at me but I ignore them. I found the pills but I can't reach them.

 "Can you..." I wanted to ask for his help when I feel a strong hand touching my waist. He leans down his lips only a few inches away from my neck and close to my ear. I start breathing a little faster. His hand moved a little bit up under my shirt, his hand making contact with my bare skin. 

"Let me help you." He whispers in my ear and reaches for the Advil.

 His fingers making small circular movements on my bare skin. He removes his hand from my hips, gets some water and takes in the Advil. I get a little disappointed when he does that. I stand still staring at every move he's making till our eyes meet and I quickly look away. But of course, he already caught me and gave me a wink. Right when I was about to say something Tyler walks in.

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