chapter 25

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9 months later......

I was finally finished school and I and Sofia were packing our bags to go home we really have bounded this school year and we feel more like sisters now and my dad and Jennifer are getting married in august. my graduation is in two days so I didn't really want to stay here till then so I just went home. when the limo driver pulled up to our house there was a huge banner saying Congratulations! on it. me and Sofia grabbed our bags and went inside. My dad, Jennifer, Tyler, Xavier, and Ian were all there with a cake on the table.

"Congrats for graduation," my dad said

"Thank you"

"Congrats Sofia for finishing the school year," my dad said to Sofia

"Thank you, dad," Sofia said

I was happy she felt comfortable with my dad to call him that we sat down at the table and Ian started cutting the cake and gave me a piece then Sofia then everyone else got one.

"So you all are coming to my grad on Friday right"

" Ya we all booked it off to come," Jennifer said

"Babe when we get home I have a surprise for you" Ian whispers in my ear

I smiled me and Ian stayed at my dad's till 9 pm then went home when we got there Ian picked me up and carried me to the garage. There was a red car with a blue now on it

"Happy graduation," he said

"The car's mine"

"Yes it is here are the keys," he said

I was so happy I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around him he carried me to the couch and I sat on his lap kissing him. I took off my shirt and my bra and throw them then he laid me down and took off my pants and underwear and he started kissing me all over then he took off his clothes. He kissed me and started putting his penis in.

"Wet already babe," he said

"Yes Ian " I moaned

He started movies in and out.

"Harder ian" I moaned

He moved faster and a couple of minutes later we both reached our climax and my body shook well I orgasmed. Ian started laughing and my me beside him on the couch we were sitting now he out on a movie. We were still naked then we heard the door open and mark turned to face the other way.

"Sorry I thought you be descent since you know I was coming," he said

"Sorry rose destructed me and I totally forgot," Ian said

We got dressed and mark turned around he asked if it was safe to seat on the chair and I nodded he gave me a kiss on the cheek and said congrats for finishing school.

"I'm going to head to tylers for the night see you tomorrow," I said kissing Ian

he just nodded and went back to watch the game with mark I got into my car and opened the garage then drove to my dad's I just left it in the driveway and went in him and Jennifer were on the couch.

"Hey where is Ian," my dad asked

"At home with his brother watching the game"

"How did you get here?" my dad asked

"My new car and I'm going over to Tyler's for the night I barely get to spend time with him," I said and walked out the door

I walked into Tyler place and went to his room he was watching Netflix on his tv.

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