chapter 11

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Shit Dylan! I hopped off the desk and collect my clothes. I feel Ian's arms wrapping around my waist from the back.

"What's wrong baby girl?" He whispers in my ears making my knees go weak. How the fuck does he does this?

 "It's Dylan." I say almost moaning when I feel his hands going inside my panties. 

 "Stop Ian!" I say a little louder and forcefully get out of his grip. He grabs my arm and looks at me straight into my eyes.

 "You know you want me." He says intimidating. He pins me to the wall, his hands holding mines against the wall. 

 "I can't do this Ian, this isn't right, I'm with someone." I say trying to avoid looking at him.

 "Look at me when you are talking Rose Hart!" He rises his voice 

 "Tell me, has that Dylan ever made you feel so good like I just did?" He says and starts kissing and sucking my bare breasts.

 "Has he ever made you moan like I did? Make you cum like I did?" He stops and looks at me 

"has he Rose?" I try to say something, anything, but it seems like I forgot how to speak. I just shake my head. 

"Use your words." He kisses my lips softly. 

 "No, no one has." I feel my face turning red.

 "No need to be ashamed baby, not with me" He kisses me again and hands me my bra. I turn around for him to claps it closed. His lips kissing my shoulders and the side of my neck. 

 "I want you to be mine Rose." He says seductively. 

 "But Dylan?" I whisper.

 "He never has to know." He whispers in my ear. I toss and turn in my bed,

 I can't fall asleep! It's midnight and the only thing I have on my mind is Ian, Ian Cooper. I've checked all my social Medias, finished my TV shows and even re-watched my favorite movie and still no sleep. I just finished talking to Dylan. I feel so bad about what I did, but didn't tell him because I knew it would hurt him. Besides what he doesn't know wouldn't kill him. Right? I decide to get something to eat maybe that will help me sleep. I headed back up stairs with a bowl of strawberries in my hand when I decided to check what Ian's doing. I place the bowl of strawberries in my room on the nightstand as I walk out to Ian's room. I knock but he doesn't answer, I open the door and find his room empty. I think of where he can be and it hits me. I walk out of his room and head to the door right next to my bedroom door. I knock and hear his voice say come in. I open the door and find him behind his desk going true papers, he looks like stressed.

 "What are you doing up?" He says when he sees that it's me.

 "I was about to ask you the same question." 

 "I asked you first." He says a little annoyed. Gosh, what's up with him?

 "I couldn't sleep." I feel my face turning red again and he smirks. 

 "Come here." He says motioning me to sit on his lap. 

 "What about you then?" I say to turn the attention to him.

 "I'm buried in paperwork." 

 "I can see that." His desk is filled with papers that need to be signed. I look at his computer and his wallpaper is a family picture with his parents, his siblings and some other people I don't recognize. 

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