chapter 14

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My dad surprised me and came home a little earlier than he was supposed to, which was actually in the weekend but he came a day earlier. I skipped school to go have brunch with just my dad cause Ian had to work. Of course I did not tell him about me and Ian, I wouldn't want him to get a heart attack. Sometimes I do wonder what he would do if he finds out or how he even finds out; I think the way he finds out would have a huge influence on how he would react. If we told him, then I think he wouldn't get as mad as if he would catch us making out. So at brunch we just talked about school and work and just the general things. I missed him a lot. A lot of people, especially when you're a teenager, would love it when their parents aren't home much but because I already barely see him, I really savor those moments that we have together. I don't blame my dad for working so hard, if he didn't I wouldn't have such a comfortable life. It is difficult lying to him, I hate it! But I know he wouldn't approve of Ian and I. Of course I would tell him one day but I want to be sure that when I do, me and Ian are something really serious and we actually see a future together. I don't want to get anyone in so much trouble and then it turns out that it wasn't anything serious. Now that he's here, I will be staying at our house which means I won't be sleeping with Ian anymore for this weekend and I can't say that I want to stay with Ian cause then my dad will know something's up. He does know that I "like" Ian but he doesn't know that I like him that much that I would want to spend as much time with him as possible. After our brunch my dad went to get some things done and I decided to go visit Ian at work and bring him some food as a surprise. I order his favorite at the restaurant and brought it to him. The building where he works isn't far from where I am so when I got his food I just walked to his work. As I step into the building I greet the woman at the front desk and go into the elevator. It's around 12 in the afternoon which means he probably has a lunch break. I knock on the door before I go in and find him buried in paperwork. He looks up and a smile appears on his face which makes me smile.

 "I brought you some lunch; I figured you'd be hungry." I bring the food to him and give him a kiss.

 "Thank you." He takes the food from me and lets me sit on his lap.

"So my dad came early." I said excited.

 "Yeah he messaged me this morning asking if I could have brunch with you two but I have a lot of paperwork."

 "I see." I look at his desk and see the amount of paperwork, contracts and amount of messages he keeps getting from work.

 "Well I guess it's okay because I'll be staying at my house so you can work longer instead of coming home to me."

 "I'll miss you." He kisses my forehead.

 "And don't ever think I feel obligated to come home to you, that's the thing that keeps me going the entire day, knowing that I'll see you at the end of the day."His words make me smile like an idiot and I kiss him. 

 "I'll try to come over as much as possible or I can come visit you at work."

"I would love that baby girl." He kisses my temple and we keep on talking about how each other's day was until he had to get back to work and I went home. 

My actual home... Haven't been there in so long, I miss my room, my bed just everything. I mean I love Ian's house but it's different, a lot of his things are his things even the things in my room are still his so I have to be careful to not break anything and even though it's the same at my house too. But of course you always feel more comfortable at your own home. When I opened the doors to my home I smile, how I missed this place. I go upstairs and drop my bag on my bed. I start to undress and fill the bathtub with water and drop my favorite bath bomb in it, when I finish removing my makeup I get into the water and sit in the bathtub filled with bubbles. Finally... some Me Time. Just me and myself relaxing in a bathtub, with my playlist playing in the background. But as I sit here and enjoy my alone time I can't help but wonder how it would be if Ian would be here. I'm not thinking about anything dirty... Well it doesn't have to be but it would be nice if he would be here. I can't believe it's already been 2 months. I never imagined in a million years that we would end up together. He's amazing, caring and can get really jealous. There was this time that he picked me up from school and I was waiting for him outside with another guy that came to talk to me. So when Ian came, the guy gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugged me. I already knew that Ian would say something, as I was walking to the car I could see in his eyes that he was mad. But I acted like nothing was wrong and when I got into the car I just said hi to him and gave him a kiss. He didn't say anything back and that's when I knew he was mad, I couldn't help but smile.

 "Who was the guy?" He said annoyed. There it was the question I was waiting for. I stopped myself from smiling and acted like I didn't know what he was talking about. 

 "What do you mean?" I said I had no clue.

 "Don't act stupid Rose; you know exactly what guy I'm talking about."

"Ohh him, I don't know just some guy that came to talk to me."

 "You don't even know the guy and you let him hug and kiss you!!" You could see the anger building up inside of him. I smile and look at him, he's jealous of a guy that has no chance at all with me. He should know that, but still he cares and get jealous. I take his hand and place it in mine and squeeze it gently. 

 "You know you shouldn't worry about that." I kiss the palm of his and then his cheek. It was really cute seeing him get jealous.

 There were of course so many other times that he got jealous. It can be annoying sometimes but it just shows that he cares. My phone buzzes and Tyler's name pops up. He has already moved out of his house. It's lonely without him. We Face Time but it's not the same. I miss hanging out with him and hearing his crazy stories. I checked his message and it said he was coming over next weekend. I can't wait. There are so many things I want to tell him but it would be better if I tell him in person. I got dressed and made myself some Mac and cheese for dinner. My dad just got home so we ate Mac and cheese together and watched Criminal minds together. The next morning I wake up to Ian calling me on the phone.

"Good morning sleepy head." I could just imagine him smiling as he said that."

 "you woke me up at 7 o'clock on a Saturday." I says annoyed but still happy that he called.

"Sorry baby, but I wanted to hear your voice before I go to work. Did you sleep well?"

 "Yeah I did, I missed sleeping in my old bed but I miss sleeping next to you." 

 "Yeah so do I. Don't worry princess you'll be sleeping next to me again, at least now I have my space back when I sleep." He says teasingly.

 "Yeah, well don't get too comfortable. I'll be back."

 "I'll be waiting on you babe. By the way your dad invited me to dinner tonight because I couldn't make it yesterday and I may have a surprise for you."


 "Till tonight princess." And with that said he hung up.

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