chapter 26

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it's been a month and a half now and here I am in a bedroom at my house getting ready for my wedding Jennifer and my dad had their wedding earlier this morning at 9 and it's 11:30 and my wedding starts in 30 minutes. Jennifer, Sofia, and Samatha are here getting ready as my bridesmaids and maid of honour. ian hired people to do my hair and makeup so there just doing the finishing touches.  ian asked tyler, Xavier, and mark to be his best men so Tyler is going to walk down the aisle with Sofia and Xaver is with Jennifer and mark and Samatha are walking together. I am kinda freaking out a bit till I heard someone yell places we walked downstairs to the kitchen and out the back where the girls grab flowers and the boys paired up with who they were walking with. my dad came up beside me. 

"Are you ready kiddo," he asked, 

"ya just don't let me fall these heal might not have been the best idea?" I said 

"I won't let you fall kiddo" 

everyone started walking down the aisle when they got to their spot the music changed and it was my turn I took a deep breath in and grab my dad's arm and we started walking.  I saw ian smiling and everything and everyone around me didn't seem to matter anymore. my dad handed me off to ian and everything started everything seemed to go so fast and now it was time for our vows.  ian went first 

" rose almost 2 years ago you captured my heart by being exactly who you are. the sweetest, most loving, compassionate and sensitive person I have known. you can also be a pain in the ass but all those things are why I love you. you have been my best friend through the good and the bad. you have been the reason that I smile you have believed in me and you have shown me how to love with passion, purity, and unconditional acceptance I'm not sure lifetime is long enough to return all you have given me, but I promise the rest of my days I'll stand by your side . to laugh and cry with you, to believe in you and support you. in poverty, I promise t fo everything to make our love rich and in wealth to never let our love grow poor. together we are better than we could ever be alone, and today I give you my love, my trust, and me forever. you rose will always be the best part of my day. I love you." I said and I was crying he handed me a tissue. then I pulled myself together and started my vow to him

" from the moment our path crossed you've surprised me, distracted me, captivated me, and challenged me in no human being ever has been, I've fallen in love with you again and again. I still can't believe I'm getting married to my best friend.  I promise to be true to you, uplift and support you, to frustrate and challenge you, to always remind where you stuff is, and to share with you you the beautiful moments of life. someday if the stars align, I might let you win an argument. when we fell in love, all I knew was that you made me laugh and you made malt every time you were around. only time allowed me to see your true colours. you're  generous, loving, sensitive, and a pain in the ass but I love you because you are who you are  and you're my whole world I love you." when I fished ian was crying now then the minister said 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss your bride" 

ian couldn't kiss me fast enough after we were done we walked down the aisle hand in hand and I went to go change into my other dress. I took off the dress I had now then I started getting in the other dress which was more comfortable then went back downstairs to get going to the after-party.

"hi miss. cooper" ian said wrapping his arms around me 

" hi Mr.cooper," I said turning around 

we walked to the limo they had for me and ian then another one for my dad and Jennifer everyone else got to drive to the after-party. all a lot of people came in and Ian's mom and dad came in and walked over to us.

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