chapter 19

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I woke up feeling better about everything after talking to Ian about a little that has been going on with me. I went down to the kitchen to find Ian but instead, I found Tyler eating.

"Hey, where is Ian?" 

"he went for a run he should be back soon he was hoping to get back before you woke up "

the chef gave me an omelette and I asked if she could make me a second one because for some reason I was starving. after eating my second one Ian came into the kitchen and I couldn't stop staring at him. Tyler nudge me and I looked at him.

"what the hell was that for," I said 

"you were drooling all of the places" I hit him

"no I was wasn't"

"ya you were"

"would you two stop bickering and you were kinda drooling, " Ian said with a smile

"both of you shut up! so what if I was drooling"

I  walked away and started packing for the trip I didn't know what to bring so I packed a couple of pares of jeans a pair of track pants and some dresses but also put in shorts and a couple of bathing suits and then packed PJs. I put in my makeup bag and some shoes and then brought my suitcase downstairs. it took me a couple of hours to pack my bag by the time I finished it was 11:30 and I deiced to take a shower and put on track pants and a crop top then went downstairs to see what Ian and Tyler were doing.

"what are you guys doing"

"talking about our trip and how the rooms are going to work"

"okay so how is everything going to work on our trip since my dad knows about us"

"well your dad's girlfriend has a daughter and you two will be sharing a room well me and Tyler share a room," Ian said 

"I'm not sharing a room with a kid I don't know why can't she stay in the same room as her mother If I have to share a room with that kid I'm not going. this is the trip you got me not some kids that my dad's new thing had." 

"OK, ill talk to your dad. calm down it will be fine" 

"fine, I'm going to take a nap"

I walked up the stairs and I was going to my room then decided to go lay down in Ian's room he's bed is so much comfier. when I woke up it was 3 in the afternoon I did feel better, I didn't feel so Moodie and overwhelmed I want downstairs walked over to Ian and gave him a big hug. 

"Sorry for flipping out on earlier if my dad wants me to share a room with his girlfriend's daughter I will I was just hoping to spend more time with you," I said 

"no it's okay I talked to your dad and he understands that you don't know them and it might make you feel uncomfortable," ian said  

" Thanks, Ian for talking to him so is Tyler sleep in the same room as us and my dad's new thing and her daughter sleep in the same room as my dad"

"Ya there going to meet us there on Monday and we are leaving tomorrow. But why do you call Jeniffer thing?"

"Because I don't know her and she's not my mom. But I guess I will have to like her for my dad he seems happy with her."

"You know your dad couldn't ask for a better daughter," Ian said

"What are we doing for dinner tonight I'm starving"

"We're going to the owl for dinner tonight I want to treat you and Tyler for dinner"

I didn't change out of what I was wearing we left for dinner around 4 and we talked about the stupidest things all night. we didn't leave the restaurant till about 7 and then we stopped at DQ for ice cream and went home we put on the movie the nun and I snuggled it to Ian. After the movie was over we all went to bed because our plane leaves at 8 am. I woke up and it was 6 am I got out of bed and jumped into the shower and put on jeans and my bra then went back into Ian's room and grabbed one of his t-shirts and put it on. After I was finished getting dressed I heard Tyler and Ian talking downstairs.

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