chapter 22

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I woke up early today because I had to go back to school and I wanted to eat breakfast with Tyler before he had to go. I ran to the shower and jumped in and took a quick shower before come out and get dressed I put my black jeans on and grabbed one of Ian's plan white shirts and put in on even know it came down mid-length on my thighs.  I went downstairs and sat between ian and tyler and the chef gave me two chocolate chip pancakes. 

"is that my shirt your wearing?" ian asked 

"yep and there is nothing you can do about it," I said with a smirk  

"Okay then miss sassy pants," he said half laughing at what he said 

I ate my pancakes and Tyler took me to school and we said our goodbyes because he had to go back to college. I was much more confident then I was before I left for our trip because I knew everything was going to fall into place. i walked into Spanish a little late and the whole class looked up.

"miss.hart your late"Xavier said 

"sorry I said bye to tyler before he left to go back to school it won't happen again Xavier," I said realizing I said his name.

"okay rose take a seat and do you have that homework I gave you to do on that trip of yours," he said 

"yep here you go," I said giving it to him 

we just watched a movie so I put my head down and fell asleep because I didn't get much sleep last night because ian was working in his office and i couldn't sleep that well without him. the next thing I knew was Xavier poke at my arm and i sat up and looked around to see no one else in the room.

"late knight with ian after I left," he said well we walked out of his class 

"no he was in his office most of the night and i couldn't sleep," I said 

the rest of the day went by fast then I expected I was in my last class and they started to talk about the exams coming up for the end of the year before summer break she said they were in three weeks and we would start preparing for them the following week. I felt my phone go off in my pocket and I pulled it out and saw ian text saying he couldn't pick me up. so I asked if I could to the washroom then when I got my hall pass I ran to Xavier's classroom. he had a class going on so I knocked on the door.

"yes miss.hart," he said 

"I sorry to bug you class but can I talk to you in the hall for a minute," I said he came out 

" Is everything okay"

" ya I was just seeing if you could give me a ride home because ian in stuck in a meeting and can't pick me up," I said 

"ya meet me here after school.  now go back to your class," he said and I left 

the rest of the class went by and I put everything away and started walking toward Xavier's class when Hannah came up to me and started pushing me into lockers and walls so I decided to fight back this time throwing punches at her and she pulled my hair so I pulled back and a couple of teachers pulled us apart and then the principal told us to come to her office.

"no I'm not going to your office," I said 

"if you don't I'll expel you and you won't be able to do your exams," she said 

"okay do it I dare you" I yelled at her 

everyone was shocked and she told Hannah to fellow her unless she wanted the same thing and Hannah did and I walked to Xavier's class.

"what the hell is going on out there? and what the hell happened to your hair?" he asked 

"got into a fight with Hannah and I was sick of her being mean so I fought back and I'm getting expelled because I didn't follow the principle to her office."

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