chapter 21

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We woke up around 8 and got dressed I didn't bother have a shower I put on jeans and a crop top and walked to the elevator with Ian holding my hand. Once we got on the elevator Ian kept holding my hand and some old lady gave us dirty looks so I let go of Ian's hand walked out into the lobby. We got into the limo and went to Disney World. We all got out and walked to the gate and they gave us all bracelets to wear. We all went on rides together and I found out Jennifer hates heights. It was finally lunch so we went to one of the places they hand inside Disney land. Everyone orders and Ian turns to me

"What do you want baby girl," he said

"A large fry and I'll have water," I said smiling at him

We got our food and sat outside eating when I started not to feel good. then I ran to the washroom and throw up for about 5 minutes. I heard someone come in,

"hey rose are you okay" I hear Jennifer say 

"ya I am now I don't know what happened I just felt sick," I say walking out of the stull and washing my hands 

"do you want to go back to the hotel?" she asked 

"no I'm fine i think I will just stay off the rides for a bit," I said 

we walked out of the washroom and ian was standing right there I told him the same thing I told Jennifer we went back and sat down and I ate some of the fries and felt a bit better we walked around and saw one of the mickey mouse shows and then they went on some rides well I sat in the shade I started feeling better and joined them again on the rides we left at 10 when the park closed we went to the hotel and we went to our room and I felt sick again so I ran into the bathroom and throw up I came out and switched into PJ and went to bed I didn't wake up till about 10 in the morning and when I realized it was that time of the month again I came out of the bathroom

"tyler could you run and get me some pads and tampons please," I asked 

"oh shit ya I will," he said 

"and don't tell ian he'll be pissed," I said as he left not knowing where ian ran off to 

after about half an hour tyler came back with the bag and said ian was right behind him I grab a tampon and told tyler to hide the bag well I ran and got into the shower. after washing myself self I got out and wrapped my towel around me and got dressed I put my bikini on and a light dress over it and came out and made sure tyler hide tampon. I walked over to ian and kissed him.

"what are we doing today?" I asked 

"We are going to the beach and how are you feeling?"ian asked 

"I'm feeling good," I said

we walked to my dads room after getting ready and we all went down and walked to the beach I grabbed my book out of my bag and started reading after about an hour read I took off my dress and ian picked me up and ran with me to the water my dad and them were laughing at him doing that. we stayed in the water for a couple of hours then got out and ate something we grabbed from the story on the way to the beach. the boys were playing with a football, Jennifer was reading and me and Sofia were building a sandcastle we got back to the hotel around 6 and decided we all were going to change and then go for supper I put on a nicer dress and changed my tampon and we meet in the lobby we just ate at the restaurant in the hotel again and we order a pizza for the family. we ate and talked and then went back to our room I did most of my homework and then dedicated to got to bed.  the week went by pretty fast and I got to know Jennifer and Sofia a bit and started to like them we packed all our things and went to the airport my dad and their flight left before we did.

"bye sweetheart and I will be home for good in 3 weeks so see you then," he said as they left for their flight 

we waited to get on our flight for about an hour and when we did I fell asleep it was a 4-hour flight so when we got home it was 3 in the afternoon me and ian  went up to our room and started unpacking when ian noticed the tampons and pads 

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