chapter 6

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"Rose, do you want some breakfast before you go?" I hear Tyler ask...

"Yeah sure," I say as I walk into the kitchen and give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning."

"Good morning love." He says and gives me a kiss on my forehead.

Last night I couldn't sleep. Not because I had a nightmare or something but because that kiss just kept me wide awake and I was dying to tell someone or just talk about it. The first person that popped up in my mind to tell was Mindy but then I remembered, she was sleeping with Bryan so I went over to Tyler's house and told him what had happened. He was shocked at first then he asked me how I felt about everything. I don't know how I feel about it. Yesterday was a great day with Ian. He's a nice funny guy and it was fun spending time with him but I kinda have the feeling that maybe he just got caught up in the moment or maybe had a little too much wine. But the kiss was amazing and made me feel weak to my knees and worse of all is that ever since that kiss I can't help but have a little crush on him. Who wouldn't after the way he kissed me! Tyler places my breakfast in front of me and I start eating after I was finished he drove me to school. Spanish was my worst subject. I understood most of it but when it came to writing or speaking the language I failed miserably. What made it even worse was that my Spanish teacher señor Xavier was extremely attractive which made it difficult to concentrate. He's handing out the test we made last week and from the student's reactions it wasn't made that bad even other kids that also normally get bad grades got a C+ but when he gave me my test results, there was a big red D written on the corner of my paper.

"Can I see you after class Rose?" he asked and I gave him a nod.

I rechecked my work hoping he made a mistake correcting my paper but like usual it was me who made all the mistakes. After class, I waited until everyone left the room and walked up to the teacher.

"You wanted to see me sir," I said in a low voice. He stopped what he was doing and motioned me to sit at the desk in front of his.

"Rose I think you know why I asked you to stay after class." He said giving me a questioning look, I just gave him a nod and he continued.

"I know that you are not a student that gets bad grades, I've checked with your other classes and you get excellent grades. I want that to be the same as my class, Spanish. So tell me, Rose, why is it that you only get low grades in this class?"

"Well sir, the thing is that I do understand what you say when you are explaining things in class even when you speak Spanish and when you give us homework I normally have most of the answers correct but when I have the test in front of me everything just goes blank and Spanish seems like Chinese to me at that moment." I try to explain it as well as possible so he can understand.

"Do you understand what I mean?" I ask when I finally look up at him.

"Shockingly I do and I want to give you a second chance so next week Monday you will get to redo the test and I will help you study for it." I was shocked when he said that, is he really giving me a second chance.

"Wow thank you, sir."

"No problem Rose," he said and gave me a smile.

"Why are you giving me a second chance though? Not that I don't appreciate it because I really do but I'm just wondering why."

"I had a feeling you'd ask that. It's because I know that you can do better and I'd like to help you with it. I want you to be better in my class."

"That's very caring, thank you so much, sir," I say with a big smile on my face.

"Any time Rose, see you Wednesday in class."

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