chapter 15

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What could the surprise be? I mean it can't even be for my birthday cause that isn't until next year. I haven't said that I want anything either so honestly I have no clue what and why he is surprising me but I mean it's always fun to get surprises, isn't it? When I get down stairs I find my dad on the sofa having breakfast and watching TV, something I barely see him do. I get myself some breakfast and orange juice and sit next to him. He's watching this early morning talk show. Honestly, it's the first time I'm up early and watching TV so I don't even know how the TV programs are in the morning.

 "Ian told me you invited him to dinner tonight." I tell my dad as I clean up our plates. 

 "Yes, him and a few other colleagues." He says while checking his phone 

 "Please don't tell me you guys are going to talk about work the entire night. Cause then I rather not come." I just said that to be dramatic but of course if Ian's going to be there I'm going to be there. 

 "No honey, it's just a dinner." Because someone woke me up so early I decided to be productive and take advantage of my free time so I cleaned my room and made my homework. By the time I was finished it was around 12:30 pm. I made a tuna sandwich for lunch and watched this new series called The Punisher. By now it's 4:30 pm so I should start getting ready for tonight. I choose this black body-con dress which ends mid thigh. I don't want to wear too much makeup so I just did a natural look with glossy lips and my hair in high ponytail. By the time I get done it's around 5 in the afternoon. So I go downstairs and find a few people working on the food and getting things ready. I'm guessing it's going to be kinda a big thing if my dad actually hired people to work. I go outside to the backyard where they have decorated it beautifully with lights and other decors. There's a big long table that for sure is prepared for at least 30 guests. And he said a few colleagues. I go up to my dad's room and he is getting dressed.

 "It's looking beautiful downstairs." I say as I choose something else for my dad to wear.

 "Thanks honey." He kisses my forehead.

 "And by the way you're not wearing that, look wear this it looks better and roll up the sleeves to make it look casual."

 I hand him the shirt and go back downstairs. People started to show up and I went to say 'hello' but the person that I'm looking forward to hasn't showed up yet. Most of my dad's colleagues have known me since I was small so they all ask how I'm doing and if I'm dating and all that. It's basically like a family reunion but a little less awkward. Finally he arrived and I get this huge stupid smile on my face when he winks and smiles at me.

 "It took you long enough Mr. Cooper." I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheeks.

 "Well miss Hart, I had to look good for a very special someone." He slowly looks at me from top to bottom and licks his lips. He pulls me closer with one hand and gently squeezes my ass.

 "You look hot in this black dress."

"Well thank you sir." I say and walk to the backyard. Eventually everyone arrived and it was time to eat. We sat down at the table my dad at the beginning and Ian and I in the middle. There was this woman sitting across from us that couldn't keep her eyes off of him and turns out they knew each other. They ended up talking a little until the food came. I think Ian realized that I got annoyed and he placed his hand on my thigh and stopped talking to her.

 "Did you have a good day at work?" I ask as I take a sip of my lemonade.

 "Yeah, just a little tired because I had some meetings. But finally seeing you has made it a lot more better." He whispers the last part for me to hear and I blush a little. 

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