chapter 16

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"If everyone can open their books on page49, so we can begin with a new chapter." The English teacher says.

 It's my last class for today and I can't even focus anymore. It has been a long day, a long week actually. Next week we are leaving to go to Orlando, and I've been looking forward to it since last week, when Ian told my dad. Turns out my dad andJennifer are coming too. Ian couldn't really say "no" without him suspecting something, so they will be joining us, but they're taking a different flight because ours was full. At least we can be alone for a day before they arrive. But this means that I cannot stay in the same room as Ian, so I will have my own suite, and we won't have that much alone time with each other, but we won't always be with my dad and Jennifer. I get interrupted my thoughts when the teacher calls my name. 

 "Miss Rose?" She says and everyone looks at me. I look up and see the principal at the front of the classroom. 

 "You can go with your bag; the principal has something to talk to you about." I take my stuff and walk with her to her office.

 I have a feeling I know what this is about, but I stay quiet until we reach her office, and she tells me to sit down on the chair across of her. I'venever really been in her office, only on my first day of school, I was in here but that was only for a few seconds. It's not like those principal offices you see in movies where everything is dark and not really pleasant to be in. Her'swas actually welcoming and very nice. It has a light pastel color, which makes it look like the room is bigger than it actually is, and her desk and drawers are from wood. I take my seat across from her as she searches for some stuff on her computer and tightens up her a desk a little. 

"I think you have an idea of why I called you in today." She says while putting away some folders.  

"Yes... I think I do." I saynot very sure if what I'm thinking is correct.

 "Well, some time ago I got a complaint about a teacher..." yeah, I was right, she's talking about Xavier. She keeps on going by saying that certain kids have taken notice that me and him are to 'friendly' with each other, and that she did some digging and found out that he is only like that with me. She continues by saying 

 "I want you to be honest with me for this all to be easy. Is there something going on between you and your Spanish teacher, Mr. Xavier, or is he just being too 'friendly' with you?" I was prepared for this ever since that situation happened during my lunch break. I wasn't'tnervous or scared because I knew that whatever the other students were thinking was very far from the actual truth. So I answered the principal: 

 "There isn't anything going on between me and my Spanish teacher Mr. Xavier noris he being to 'friendly' with me." As I said before, I had a feeling that this is why I was called in, but I am being honest when I say that there isn't'tanything going on between us." She looks at me and nods her head and writes something down before she says: 

 "But why would other students think that there may be something going on?" 

 "Well, it could be true that maybe he is friendly with me, but nothing extreme. This is because he is friends with my dad and we know each other for years now, and now that my dad is on business trip, I'm staying at a family friend who is best friends with Mr. Xavier. So it's not that we have something going on, it's just that he's a good family friend and maybe that's why some may think that he's being too friendly." She writes some stuff down again and tells me that she understands, but that she still has to talk to Xavier and hear his side. 

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