chapter 18

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I woke up to Tyler cooking and i forgot i stayed at his house last night it was Friday so i texted Ian saying i would be staying home today to pack for when we leave for Sunday for our trip then sat down to eat my french toast that Tyler made . I didn't really feel like going to school everyone looks at me wired and my marks have drop in the last week because i haven't be paying attention in class and don't do my homework anymore.

*hey babe i will be at Tyler is 10 minutes* Ian texted

"hey Tyler did you invite Ian over for breakfasts"

"no why"

"because he is on his way over"

i finished eating and ran to my house to get new clothes for the day then came back to Tyler's house and Ian was there.

"your not missing school today you'll have all next week off get your bag and i'll drive you to school" Ian said

i rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag and asked if Tyler could give me ride to school.

"he can come with us if you want but i want to talk to about why you haven't be paying attention in school this week your principal called saying your marks have gone down and your teachers are worried about you." Ian said

" because i don't like going to school every time im there i want die everyone keeps talking about me and call me names to my face i feel useless because i can't stand up for myself so i haven't be paying attention because i can't my thoughts get to me." i said

"can you try to go to school today if you want i can get Xavier to keep an eye on you and he could drive you home at lunch if you don't want to stay after that"Ian said

"i guess i will go as long as Tyler could drive me to school" i said

Ian said yes and i gave him a kiss then got into Tyler car and he drove me to school and i walked in and took a seat in my Spanish class Xavier walked in and started telling us that he was moving people seats around i rolled my eyes because i knew he was going to move me spots. we all lined up at the back of the class to get told where we are going to be sitting for the rest of the semester. he finally called my name and of course he put me at the front of the class right in front of his desk i was pissed i walked to the front of the class and started walking out.

"rose get back in here or i'll send an email to the principal" he said i turned around to face him and said

"go ahead i really don't care anymore and well your at why don't you text Ian and tell him to because we both know whats going to happen when he finds out "

then i walked out and walked to the office because i knew i would end up there once the principal found me when i got there the scarcity asked why i was there and i told her my teacher was sending an email to the principal. she told me to seat down and wait and i did then after about 10 minutes miss. pride came out and saw me seating there so told me to come in and talk to her so i did .

"why did you walk out of your class"

"because i don't like seating in the front of the claas and my teacher moved us around"

"well if you don't go back to class i will have to call Ian to let him know your skipping classes now "

" fine i'll go back"

i walked back to class and sat down in my new spot and tried to pay attention but i just wanted to go home we got a quiz and i didn't really know anything on it and when we got it back near the end of class i got 2 out of 15 questions right.

" rose can you stay after class please" Xavier said

i wait till everyone was gone and asked him why he wanted me to stay

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