chapter 20

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After about 20 minutes I heard the hotel door up and I saw my dad come outside on to the deck.

" Hey, you okay?" My dad asked

"no I'm not okay. is this what's it going to be like every time me and ian go out in public together   "I said

"You know I'm okay with you being with Ian so don't listen to anyone else okay. The only time I will have a problem is if he hurts you ." My dad said with a smile

I smiled at him and he left  I'm happy he still cares about me even with his new girlfriend and her daughter being here. after my dad left ian came up. 

"hey we are all going out shopping so I came up to get you," ian said well holding my hand 

"okay but can you get me out of there if I need you to," I said looking into his eyes 

"yes I will and don't listen to Sofia," he said 

 I got up and grab my purse and walked out after ian we went down to the lobby where everyone was. we got back into the limo and went to the mall. my dad and them got out and I just sat there trying to keep my self together tyler stayed beside me and i got out and he followed. He knew I just needed to keep myself from flipping out.

"Hey sweetheart we are going to  old Navy and they target for Sofia and Jennifer want to come with us?" my dad asked

"No I don't shop there" I said all sassy

"Me and Tyler will take her to where she wants to go" Ian said

"Okay thanks"my dad said like he was hurt by me saying no

Me, Ian and Tyler walked in the different direction as my dad did. I feel like I am hurting my dad because I don't like Sofia.

"Are you okay babe girl?" Ian said worried because I started to shaking

"N-no I a- am h-hurting m-my dad" I managed say

Ian took me in his arms and I lay my head down into his chest and started crying. Ian just rubed my back till I calmed down I didn't know why I was so upset I haven't be like this since my mom died.  I looked up at Ian and he knew I was hurting.

"What do you want to do babe" he said

"Can we go to forever 21 please."I begged him. Tyler and him started laughing at me.

"Okay forever 21 it is" Ian said

We walked around the store and I bought a nice purple dress with some heals and a crop top with some blake jeans with rips in them. Then we went to a game store Tyler wanted to go in and we bought a couple board games. By that time my dad texted Ian saying they were going to the food court to eat so we went down to the food court and I order a foot long sub from Subway and went to go seat at the table where everyone was and the only seat that was open was between Jennifer and Sofia. I sat down and started to unwarp my sub when Sofia said something

"You shouldn't show you tummy like that . It makes it seem like you want men all over you and your to fat to wear those kinda of shirts " Sofia said to me because I was wearing a crop top

I turned to Jennifer

"Do you let your kid talk to everyone like this " I asked her

"Sofia be nice she's allowed to wear those shirts because she's older than you."  Jennifer said

My dad just sat there saying nothing I picked up my stuff and throw my sub in the garbage because I wasn't hungry anymore. Ian and Tyler ran after me. I turned them.

" Don't I just can't right now and maybe Sofia is right. Ian you should find someone that isn't so messed up and that actually makes you happy because it's not me. How can you even look at me find someone pretty and that makes you happy " I said

Ian walked away and I knew he was mad and Tyler didn't know what to say he just stood there I started crying and I walked out of the mall and back to the hotel it was a 20 minute walk and none of them followed me I went up to the room and started crying I went into the bathroom and layed on the floor

"Rosie open the door your not worth cutting your arms" i hear Tyler say

I open the door and hugged Tyler.

"Where is Ian I just ruined everything. he the Best thing that happened to me is he mad at me"I said crying

"I'm right here babygirl" Ian said

I turned around and ran up to him he held me in his arms when I wrap my legs around his waist and  my arms around his neck. I cryed into his neck for 20 minutes till there was a knock on the door.

"Hey is rose here?" I hear my dad ask

"Ya I'm here dad" I said

" Are you okay? Why did you flip out on Ian you haven't flipped like that since your mom died " my dad said

"I don't know it just came out I didn't mean to. I think it's just going to take time for me to get use to you being with someone else other than mom" I said

"Okay can you please try and just talk to me if you need to. I never knew you were having a hard time with me being with Jennifer. That's why I kinda want you to get to know her on this trip "my dad said

" Okay Dad can you please leave I want to take a nap I'm not feeling so good" I said

"Okay  princess " my dad said

My dad and Tyler left. Ian picked me up and put me on the bed and came to lay beside me. I took off my shirt and my pants and got on top of ian.

"What are you doing I thought you were not feeling good" Ian said

"That's what I told my dad why do you think Tyler left to I told him when I say that it's because I went to be alone with you" I said with a smile

I took off my bra and panties and got back on top of ian. he looked at me from head to toe and licked his lips he put me on my back and took off his shirt and pants and got on the bed. He pulled me down under him and put his dick in slow so I would get use to  his size then he start push in and out.

" Yes Ian just like that" I moad

" You like that princess don't you"

"Yes Ian" i moad again

He started going harder and I couldn't hold the moaning in so I just let it come out and I could see Ian smiling I grab on to the Sheets because I felt myself having a orgasm and Ian came in me at the same time. He pulled out and just layed beside me on the bed.

"You like that baby girl?" He asked

"Yes I loved that and I love you" I said

We got up and had a shower together and I texted Tyler he was all safe to come back to the room.  He came in and looked at us.

"So you two finally do it?" Tyler asked with a smirk on his face

My face went beat red and they both started laughing at me Tyler said I gave it away with my face going red. We all final sat down and watched a movie I didn't really care what they put on i was tried I sunggled in to Ian's chest because he didn't put back on his shirt I fell asleep within minutes of him puting his arms around me. I woke up to no one being in the room. Then I heard Ian and Tyler on the deck so I went to the deck door and stood listening to them laugh at each other and I smiled.
Tyler looked over and saw me standing at the door.

"What's up babe" Tyler said

"Nothing what are you two laughing about" i said

"We are laughing at you because of the way you sleep you look so cute like a little baby"

"No, I don't and Is there any food here I'm starving," I asked

"We can order room service," ian said

"Okay I want a burger with fries If they have it"I said

After about 45 minutes our food got to our room and we were making a plan for  Disney world tomorrow then we played Yahtzee for the rest of the night we finally went to bed around 11 and I snuggled into Ian and fell asleep.

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