chapter 10

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"Yeah they broke up." Mark says dryly.

 "You don't say captain obvious." I roll my eyes at him. 

"I was there when they broke up, my question is why."

 "You're asking the wrong person." He shrugs and turns to watch TV. 

 Mark came over because he had some things to discuss with Ian who at the moment is out to buy some more liquor. Lately that's all he's been doing. He hasn't gone to work for the past week; he just sits around drowning himself in alcohol which makes him aggressive. I try to occupy myself with anything basically. My room has never been so clean. I sometimes start to get anxiety from just being scared. What if he gets mad at me, he never has but I see how he snaps at the servants and everyone who does something wrong so it's only a matter of time that he'll get mad at me. I walk upstairs but turn around when I hear the door open. His hazel brown eyes meet mine I try to look away but I can't. He finally looks away and slurps down the rest of the liquor in the bottle. How does he do this to me? How does he have such an effect on me? He hasn't even said anything and I feel intimidated but still get butterflies in my stomach. I let myself fall on my bed and try not to think about anything. I want to talk to Dylan but he is at practice and I don't want to disturb him. So I decide to message Tyler to see what he's up to. 15 minutes later Tyler knocks on my door and we head out to his house. He makes me food with what is still left in his house because everything is packed in boxes.

 "so this is really happening, huh?" I say a little sadder than I meant to. 

 "I'll be back before you know it babe." he kisses me on my forehead and hugs me tightly. We stay like that for a while until the microwave beeps.

 "Can I stay here tonight?" I asked when I realized it was getting late and I really didn't feel like going home. 

 "Why are you even asking? Of course you can baby." I smile and lay back on his arm and continued watching the movie that was playing.

we watched a few series for a while but it was getting late so Tyler went to bed, I on the other hand didn't feel like sleeping so decided to call Dylan to ask how his practice went. But after a few times of calling and getting his answering machine, I decided to just leave him a message saying that I hope practice went well and sweet dreams. I was about to go to bed when I felt my phone buzz, I quickly took it from the nightstand and answered it. I didn't even look at caller ID because it's probably Dylan. 

 "Hey" I say all cheerful but my mood changes when I realize that it isn't Dylan who is calling. I look up to my phone and see Ian's name.

 "Hello" I say once more when no one replies but I can hear them talking in the background, it's probably just a but call I say to myself and I'm about to press end call when I hear Him say:

 "Rose annoys the fuck out of me but at the same time I love it. Like damn those lips I'd kiss them all days just for her to shut up." I can hear Mark chuckle.

I end the call before they can realize that they called me. What the hell was that? Did he really just say that? My mind is running through all kinds of thoughts. I'm not even sure what to think anymore. But then it hits me: Dylan. My feelings for Ian can't come up again if I have them for Dylan. And he's such an amazing boyfriend the thought of just leaving him breaks my heart. The next morning Tyler drops me off at school. I wasn't feeling well probably because I couldn't really sleep. I can't concentrate well either and I guess others have realized cause they keep asking what's wrong. I keep telling that I'm okay and nothing's wrong but that's far from the truth. Honestly my mind just has been occupied by thoughts of Ian. I know that it's wrong, I do, but I just can't help it. Then a thought pops up in my head. What if I ask him to pick me up from school? That wouldn't be a bad idea right? But then again he can also just say no. But I can at least try. So I picked up my phone and messaged him. 

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