chapter 7

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Finally, the day had arrived that I was moving in with Ian for 2 months maybe even more. Jamie and I got along over the past week. This doesn't mean that I like her but that I can stand her and wouldn't mind seeing her more often. For Ian, I can't say the same. I've tried to not see or talk to him. When I didn't have another choice but to speak to him I kept it short and answered him dryly. I know I'm being dramatic by the way I'm acting but don't I have the right to! He's the one that's being a real jerk. Tyler helped me to bring all my stuff to Ian's place. It wasn't much just clothes, makeup and school stuff, besides if I forgot something I could always come back and get or ask Tyler to bring it for me. I settled into my new room. I really liked it and I'm glad I did because this would be the place that I'm probably going to be spending the most time in. I placed all my clothes and shoes in the closet, my books on the desk and my makeup on the vanity. I lit up some candles so that the room had nice sent and opened the balcony door for some cool air.

 "I like the room," Tyler says while he jumps onto my bed 

 "Thanks." I sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. His arm wrapped around my waist. 

"I'm going to miss not having you living next to me," he says and pulls me closer to him. I look up at him seeing that he really is sad. 

 "Aww Tyler, I'm going to miss you." I give him a kiss on the cheek. 

 "It's not that far from your place. A few minutes walking, less if you're in the car. Besides, you better come over because I don't think I can spend every night alone without you."

"You won't babe." He gives me a kiss on my forehead and smiles at me.

 Tyler, Ian and I brought my dad to the airport. We said our goodbyes and my dad said he'd call when he arrives and that maybe he'll come to visit over 2 weeks on the weekends. We waited till my dad went inside and then we left. The car ride back to Ian's place was quiet. It was just me and Ian, Tyler left with his own car. 

 "So uhm we were thinking to go to Olive Garden to get dinner." He said breaking the awkward silence.


 "Yeah, me and Jamie."

"No thanks, I'll make something myself," I said and it was quiet again.

 "Come on Rose, sooner or later you'll have to talk to me again," he says after a while 

"Yeah, I choose later." I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. I still had to get used to staying at his place. As I walk to the front door Jamie arrives all happy and shiny. She parks her car right next to Ian's checks herself in the mirror and gets out

 "Hey, sweetie pie." She says all happy and gives him a kiss on the lips. 

I can see that Ian was looking at me. I think he was uncomfortable or something cause he pulled out of the kiss quickly. I rolled my eyes and walked inside up to my bedroom. I changed into something comfy. It was around 6 so I figured I should start checking what I'm going to eat for dinner. I thought of getting taken out but I felt like eating a home-cooked meal. Looking true every cabinet in the kitchen and refrigerator I decided to make lasagna. After I was done making it I placed it into the oven. While I was waiting, which probably would take 30 to 50 minutes I made iced tea. Ian and Jamie had left a few mins ago. He looked incredibly hot. He was wearing black not too skinny jeans and a white shirt. Simple but oh so hot. When I was all by myself, I took a blanket placed it on the couch and turned on the TV, going on Netflix. The lasagna was finally done. I took it out of the oven and waited for it to cool down a little. The aroma filled the kitchen and my stomach was giving me the signal that I was really hungry. Finally, I settled down in front of the TV all cozy in my Pj's and blanket eating delicious lasagna and watching Think Like a Man Act Like a Woman. Halfway true I felt my eyes getting heavy so I lowered the volume and slept on the couch because I'm too lazy to go to my room. I was about to fall into a deep sleep when I hear the front door unlock. I quickly acted like I was sleeping but still kept my eyes a little open for me to see. They didn't even notice I was there. Ian had her pinned up against the door, kissing her roughly. They started taking off their clothes. Gosh, I hope they won't do it on the couch, which would be so awkward Jamie's moans fill up the room. Ian moved from her lips to her neck. Sucking harshly. He was full of lust. They went into the downstairs bedroom and did their things. I couldn't fall asleep anymore. It was midnight and I was wide awake. Maybe having tea would help. I went into the kitchen and started heating up the water. It was only the first night and I was already having trouble sleeping. While I was waiting, I heard the doorknob turn. Ow no, who's awake! 

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