chapter 13

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I surprisingly don't wake up alone; I turn around and find Ian next to me. Is he still mad at me? Does this mean he forgave me? I try not to wake him up and head to the shower. When I return he's not on the bed anymore. Gosh he's so confusing! I get dressed and everything and go down stairs and see Ian's chef in the kitchen making breakfast but Ian is still nowhere to be seen. 

"Good morning" I say with a smile. 

 "Good morning sweetie, sleep well?" She says back while still cooking. 

 "Yes I did...Do you know where Ian is?"

"He went to work sweetie." She says casually Of course he did She hands me my food, I thank her and start eating.

 I check my social media's like I normally do in the morning and when I finish my food I get my things and head to school, late like always but whatever. My classes go by pretty fast, I guess because today I actually decide to do something. When it's lunch break I sit down at one of the tables outside and eat the lunch that was made for me. While I'm eating Xavier comes over and gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

 "Hey" I say and take a bite of my bread. 

 He sits across from me and I can feel the eyes of the other girls on us. Like I said, Xavier is a really attractive teacher so I would understand why girls would stair and give me a bitch face each time they see me with him. I can't help it that he's a good friend of the guy I'm living with, which happens to be my boyfriend. Which makes me think, does he know about me and Ian? I only told Tyler; did he tell anyone about us? Or does he not want to tell anyone about us because he doesn't think anything can happen between us? I try to stop over thinking and look up at Xavier. He's on his phone, he looks up and smiles. 

 "So how was your day?" He asks with the same smile. 

 "It was ok." I don't wanna give him the entire story about me and Ian. I take a sip of my iced tea but almost choke when he says 

 "and everything's good between you and Ian?" He laughs and my reaction and I look at him. So he does know! 

"H-how'd you know?" I say surprisingly. 

 "Well he told me." He says normally. 

 "Really?" I say still surprised. He chuckles and looks at me 

 "yes rose, he really likes you." I blush at his words. 

 "But yeah I don't think he does anymore, we fought yesterday and he's still mad at me."  

"What happened?" He asks actually concerned.

 "Well I got mad because he keeps leaving for work early and comes home really late."

 "But he can't help it rose, he is the CEO of the company, he has to make a living. Besides I don't think he likes not seeing you the entire day either, but he can't do anything about it. You have to understand it's only for a little while because during these times it's very hectic and there are deadlines and everything. Give him some time and just be understanding because I know he doesn't like it either, just be there for him. I know he would make it up to you."

 "Yeah, you're right." I say and look down, I feel stupid now for overreacting, besides I should know about his busy schedule cause my dad has the same job.

 "What should I do now?"

 "Well you can surprise him" he says with a smirk on his face and I know exactly what he's thinking.

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