chapter 8

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"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

I tried to cover myself up with the blanket when I see Ian's mad face glaring at the both of us. 

"What the hell dude!" Mark shouts at him.

 "Mark get out!" Ian shouts back at Mark, his face was filled with anger as Mark collects his clothes and leaves the room. 

 "What the hell were you thinking?" He looks at me, his face covered with anger.

 "Gosh, you are grumpy." I said poking his nose, giggled and smiled. He looked at me from top to bottom and bit his lower lip. 

 "We got to get you dresses."

"Aww why? You don't like what you're seeing?" I said pounding and gave him a puppy dog face.                                                                                                                                                    

"No baby, I love seeing what I see." He said with a smirk on his face.

 "Then why do you want me to get dressed." I whined again and started to giggle for no reason.

"Okay" he sighs and rubs the back of his neck

 "let's just get you in your clothes." He walked to my closet to find something for me to wear. 

"But I don't like my clothes." I wines again. He chuckled,

 "what do you want to wear then? 

 "What about the shirt you're wearing." I said childishly and pointed at the shirt he was wearing. He chuckled once more and started to take off his shirt. I cheered when he took it. He tossed it towards me and I put it on. He starts to walk out the door but I stop him. 

 "Wait" he turned around 

"can you sleep next to me?" I patted the empty space next to me. 

 "I can't."

"But I don't like sleeping alone, I don't sleep well." I wine again.

 "I told Jamie she can sleep here tonight."

 "Jamie Lamie, whatever, you're too good for her. Besides she can still sleep here but you'll just be sleeping in my bed." I gave him a goofy wink when I said the last sentence. He laughed and sat next to me on the bed. 

 "Well I don't think she'll like that, though."

 "Whatever, she's not the one who can't sleep alone, no, I am." He laughed once more and starts to head out of my room.

 "Where are you going, we were having a conversation." I said. 

 "Well I'm going to bring Jamie to her house and I'll come back."

 "So you're going to sleep with me?" I smirked at him.

 "Is there another choice." He said sarcastically and walked out

 "Smart boy." I yelled for him to hear me. 

 I kept on laughing for a while for no reason and decided to watch some late shows they play on TV while I wait for Ian to return. It didn't take long for him to get back. When he came he got into bed with me and we watched some TV. He turned off the television for no reason and looked at me. 

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